  Saturday - July 27th, 2024

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Boulder Buff Graduates Are Cause For ALL Of Us To Celebrate!

Nelson Mandela said it beautifully.

“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”

The University of Colorado Boulder’s graduation ceremonies, held from May 9-11, bring numerous benefits to the town of Boulder and have broader implications globally. Congratulations and THANK YOU to the class of 2024. Elevate us all! Why do we care? We care because we benefit AND the world benefits.

Benefits to the coffers of Boulder for all of the right reasons.
1. **Economic Boost**:
– **Tourism**: Graduation events attract thousands of visitors, including family and friends of graduates, boosting local businesses such as hotels, restaurants, and retail stores.
– **Retail Sales**: Increased spending on gifts, memorabilia, and celebratory events contributes to the local economy.

2. Community Engagement**:
– **Cultural Events**: The influx of visitors often coincides with local cultural events, enhancing community spirit and engagement.
– **Showcasing Boulder**: The events highlight Boulder’s attractions, potentially increasing future tourism and interest in the town.

3. **Educational Prestige**:
– **University Reputation**: Successful graduation ceremonies enhance the university’s reputation, attracting prospective students and faculty, contributing to the town’s intellectual and cultural environment. The University of Colorado Law School is of particular note and held in highest regard by law schools nationally. 
– **Alumni Network**: Graduates often remain connected to Boulder, contributing to local initiatives and philanthropy.

### Global Benefits to having the University of Colorado in our midsts:
1. **Knowledge Dissemination**:
– **Global Workforce**: Graduates join the global workforce, bringing diverse knowledge and skills acquired at CU Boulder to various industries worldwide.
– **Research and Innovation**: Alumni contribute to global research and technological advancements, fostering international collaborations. Nobel Prize Winners and the finest in the field teachers guide the budding minds of our brilliant student body.

2. University of Colorado Cultural Exchange
– **Diverse Alumni**: Graduates from various cultural backgrounds promote global understanding and cooperation.
– **International Relations**: CU Boulder’s international students strengthen global ties, enhancing cross-cultural relationships.

The Valley and the State benefit from the Events brought to the Boulder Valley Topics range  from Stage to Stars!mountain under blue sky

Who ARE Our Students? What ARE They Studying?
While specific numbers for each major may vary annually, the following are general statistics for the number of graduates in different schools at CU Boulder:

1. **College of Arts and Sciences**:
– Largest college, typically graduates thousands of students across various majors such as biology, psychology, and environmental studies.

2. **Leeds School of Business**:
– Graduates several hundred students, focusing on majors like finance, marketing, and management.

3. **College of Engineering and Applied Science**:
– Typically graduates a substantial number of students in disciplines such as mechanical engineering, computer science, and aerospace engineering.

4. **School of Education**:
– Graduates fewer students compared to larger colleges, focusing on educational foundations and teaching licensure.

5. **College of Media, Communication, and Information**:
– Graduates a moderate number of students in fields like journalism, media studies, and advertising.

6. **College of Music**:
– Graduates a smaller cohort, focusing on performance, composition, and music education.

7. **School of Law**:
– Graduates a few hundred students, preparing them for various legal careers.

8. **Graduate School**:
Encompasses a wide range of master’s and doctoral programs, contributing significantly to the overall number of graduates.

These statistics reflect the diversity of academic disciplines at CU Boulder, contributing to a well-rounded and impactful graduation class.

We wish them the best of all things, and we thank all of them for being a part of our Boulder Community for one of the most important parts of your growth. You chose to share this journey with all of us. We thank you.

Lenny Lensworth Frieling

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