  Friday - February 14th, 2025

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Colorado Restaurant Livestreams Illegal Opening on Mother’s Day, Loses License Indefinitely

Castle Rock is trending on Twitter, and not for a good reason. Local restaurant C&C Breakfast and Korean Kitchen was warned against opening last Friday by officials after the owner stated their intentions to open for Mother’s Day. The restaurants went against local safer at home ordinances and opened regardless, with a packed house and every table filled. Neither customers at the restaurant nor employees were wearing masks or gloves or practicing social distancing.

Under the safer at home order that went in place last week, Coloradoans were urged to stay home as often as possible. Restaurants are open for takeout and delivery, and C&C had been offering these services prior to Mother’s Day.

A now viral video from a reporter shows the restaurant packed with people, as well as a line out the door. The owner of the video states that the owner said this was “nearly double” what the restaurant usually sees on Mother’s Day.

In a now deleted Facebook post, the owner of the restaurant livestreamed the crowd, saying “So much for some of those people who said nobody would show up. And our patio is full. I’m so happy so many people came out to support the Constitution and stand up for what is right. We did our time. We did our two weeks. We did more than two weeks … and we were failing. We had to do something.”

The restaurant lost its license within 24 hours of the illegal opening.

Gov. Polis addressed the fiasco in his briefing on Monday, stating “I joined most Coloradans in in our frustration watching videos of people illegally packed into restaurants and thinking about all the moms and grandmothers and aunts and everyone who was put at increased risk of dying from this horrible virus,” said Polis.

“When people see videos of people packed into a restaurant, with no social distancing and no masks, people feel less safe, and the widespread economic pain will only be prolonged,” he stated.

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