  Sunday - January 5th, 2025

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Get Outside!

Photo Credit: report.az

Can you believe the warm weather we’ve been having?! It seems like we were in winter, skipped spring and just jumped to summer. If you’re used to living in Boulder, you know that around this time of year the warm weather isn’t that unusual. It also wouldn’t be unusual if it was 80 degrees one day and then a blizzard the next day. I’m happy that I don’t live on the East Coast because it’s getting a couple feet of snow and now that we are closer to summer, that just sounds brutal. We’ve been blessed with a mild winter this year; of course we do live in Colorado where the weather is completely unpredictable, so we can’t rule out snow just yet. However, while we have this week of warm sunny days, I hope everyone will spend their time outside! Go on a hike. Find a friend who has a dog and hang out. Combine the two things just mentioned. Skip class (as long as you are in good standing in the class, skipping once in a while won’t hurt). Lay out and tan. Be physical. Get some ice cream or a cold beverage. Have a darty (be responsible). This type of weather makes you want to drop your responsibilities and be carefree, especially as a senior. Just be outside and have fun!

Lily Lemire Lead CU Buff Stuff blogger
Lily is a senior at the University of Colorado at Boulder and will be graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies along with a certificate in Business. She is originally from Scarborough, Maine, but decided to venture to Colorado for it's beauty and to get back in touch with her birth place which is Boulder. She is a Film Studies major because she is very interested in the behind the scenes of what goes into making a film. Not only that, but her favourite hobby in the world is to watch movies. She recently went abroad to Sydney, Australia to get a taste of a different culture. While being there, she learned to not take life too seriously, and to slow things down. The Australian lifestyle can really teach a person how to be chill. You can find Lily at the movies, hanging on Pearl Street having a beer with friends, or at the breathtaking lookout of Flagstaff enjoying the view.
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