  Monday - January 13th, 2025

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Looking for Everyday Heroes! – Bring Boulder Together

Every day, we meet heroes in our lives. They may not stand out, they may not be dramatic, but through their every day kindnesses and positive actions, they make our lives and our worlds a better place.

The grandpa who takes his grand-kids to the park every weekend. The older brother or sister who makes sure their siblings get their homework done and helps them with it every night. The neighbor who mows grass or shovels snow for the elderly or handicapped folks in the neighborhood. The child who may not walk away with academic or athletic trophies, but gets good grades and is a positive friend and classmate. The co-worker who always makes sure people’s birthdays are remembered.

These people don’t often get covered in the media, don’t often get recognized for their efforts, and we at AboutBoulder.com would like to change that. In our constant efforts to promote positive news and good things about our awesome community, we’re debuting a new feature, Everyday Heroes, which will feature people who make our community great through their seemingly small, but significant, presence. Each story will have a feature on the person, talk about their achievements, their hobbies and their life, and give them the spotlight for just being them, just offering those every day kindnesses and positive actions, for just being an every day hero.

If you’d like to nominate someone for the award, please visit our “AboutBoulder.com Everyday Heroes” page, tell us their name, share your story, and tell us about why you’re nominating them. We’ll do our best to give them their time in the spotlight!

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