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Quick Tip: Reviving Winter Hair

I may or may not be quite bitter about the spat of snow we had lately.

April square

Are you kidding me with this, April?


In the words of Cher Horowitz, it’s “a full on Monet.” Sure, from far away it’s beautiful, but up close and personal it’s a big ole mess. I’m not a fan of winter in general. Sure there are lots of “activities” and “fun” and “major heart warming holidays,” but I’d much rather read a book on a porch with a comfortably warm breeze idly ruffling by.

via freedigitalphotos.net

Far superior, yes?

In that scenario I imagine the wind flirting with the effortless waves of gorgeous hair I have flowing down from beneath a floppy hat. And by scenario I really mean fantasy.

Right now all I have on my head is dry, brittle hair that is performing its best Punxsutawney Phil impersonation… “Is it time? Can I come out?”

Dry Hair Stock Photo

Winter is a time for piling hair under hats in an effort to fashion an extra layer of insulation from the cold. Spring is a time for letting it loose for some freedom before it’s relegated to the high ponytails of summer.

So, want to know my number one quick tip for reviving winter hair? It’s one I learned from my mama:

VO5 hot oil

Again, I receive zero incentive/compensation/motivation from any brand of any item I feature in this column. Everything I write about are all things I have chosen to purchase with my own money and happen to enjoy.

But VO5 hot oil? It doesn’t need anyone to endorse it. It’s an institution in and of itself.

I think it also must be a throwback to some extent because it’s fairly difficult to find in most mega-store hair aisles… but you can definitely hunt it down on Amazon and I wouldn’t be surprised if places like Sally Beauty Supply stocked these little gems.

The hot oil is a deep conditioning treatment to the max. Some folks don’t like the smell, but for me, it’s a fragrant promise of comfort and results. Use it once weekly this month. Go ahead! I’ll still be here when May comes around, ready to receive your thanks and praise.

Do any of you have go-to deep conditioning routines? Do you harbor a secret weapon or recipe I need to know about? Let me know in the comments below!

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