  Thursday - February 6th, 2025

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Visualize to Realize: Mastering Guitar with Mindful Imagery

Boulder has always been a glowing area on the magical music map of the world.  It is a smaller town with a huge musical glow. Whether it is John Sebastian calling Boulder home,  or walking down the Boulder Mall, looking up, and seeing “JACK BRUCE” on the marquee with $6.00 admission.  While the focus of […]

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Beginning Triathlon, What to Spend Your Money on Part 2: Bike

In the second part of the 3 part series, I want to talk about the sport of cycling and how to get into it without having to sell your soul. Bikes can be very expensive. In an effort to keep things as light and stiff as possible, expensive materials as well as lots of research […]

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Beginning Triathlon, What to Spend Your Money On Part 1: Swim

Triathlon is a very expensive sport. Between the equipment, race fees, coaching, and gym/pool memberships the cost of everything can really start to add up. As a former employee of Tribe Multisport in Scottsdale, AZ I often got asked my opinion for what to buy for a beginner. Also, as my friends began the sport, […]

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Boulder Colorado Air Quality

A Day on Boulder Creek

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