Thursday - April 25, 2024

Posts Tagged With ‘ bodybuilding ’


Boulder’s Keto-Vegan Debate: How to Boost Immunity & Metabolism With Your Diet

March 5th, 2024
woman holding sliced avocado

If you live in Boulder, Colorado, you probably know someone who follows a vegan or ketogenic (keto) diet. Maybe you are one of them. But do you know how these diets affect your immune system and your health? We all worry that vegan diets are protein-deficient and keto diets can clog arteries, but is this true? A recent study by the National Institutes of Health (NIH)1,2 reveals some surprising insights into how switching to a vegan or a keto diet rapidly impacts your immune system, metabolism, and gut microbiome in just 2 weeks.      Study Design The study involved 20 healthy volunteers who... Read More

Putting on Pounds with Pot

August 18th, 2018

Although there is much evidence suggesting you can lose weight with cannabis, it can also be used to gain weight. One of the most common fitness goals heard by personal trainers, besides losing weight, is gaining lean muscle mass. In order to build muscle, you need fuel, and some people find it more difficult than others to eat the needed amount of calories to gain and maintain muscle. Cannabis can help you gain weight by interacting with several areas of your body. THC affects both the CB1 and CB2 receptors in the brain. The CB1 receptor is responsible for the systematic function of several parts... Read More