For regular cannabis users, there’s nothing worse than building up a tolerance to cannabis, and specifically tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Tolerance means smoking or vaping more to enjoy the same level of high, which inevitably leads to higher costs. While it would be a step too far to call it a waste of weed, there are certainly […]
It can be hard to keep up with all the changes in cannabis, and the complexity of the plant sometimes makes it difficult to understand – there’s a lot more to cannabis than we first thought when it emerged into popular culture back in the 1960s. Indeed, while the world has always had knowledge of […]
CVS recently announced it will start carrying hemp derived CBD products in 800 stores throughout eight states across the country. This includes states like Colorado and California, but also more conservative states like Kentucky, Indiana, and Tennessee. The company plans to carry a line of CBD topical products made by Curaleaf. Within less than a […]