Friday - May 10, 2024

Posts Tagged With ‘ climatechange ’


Turning Passion into a Livelihood: Meet Dakota, a Young Entrepreneur Driving Climate Action

June 22nd, 2023

While Summer was putting the finishing touches on last week’s EmpowerGen article, Gen Z: Rising Up for Climate Action and a Sustainable Future, the doorbell unexpectedly rang. On my doorstep was a smiling teenager named Dakota Hess-Tolene, who was going door to door in my neighborhood with a great deal to help Boulder residents go renewable, saving money and energy. I was astounded at the beauty of this synchronicity. Inside my house was a young person who is taking action and urging others to do the same for our climate, and right on my doorstep materialized a young person making it his business... Read More

Big Beer Brings Protest to Mexicali

February 2nd, 2018

Water is a basic human right, correct? Even within our society’s divided climate, I think that is something we can all agree upon. No person should go without water. I mean, after all, an adult human body consists of about 60% water. It’s safe to say, we need it. Now, let me ask you another question: It’s not a shock to anyone that California, and southwestern states in general have been suffering from a drought, correct? So, why would Baja California be any different? Wouldn’t they be suffering from the same drought as us? The answer is, yes, they are suffering from severe drought, causing... Read More