  Friday - July 26th, 2024

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health and wellness

Boulder Health and Wellness: Leading America in Wellness Initiatives

Boulder, Colorado, a city renowned for its commitment to health and wellness. With a plethora of outdoor activities, a thriving organic food scene, and a culture that values mindfulness and well-being, Boulder has earned its reputation as the epicenter of health and wellness in America. In this article, we’ll explore what makes Boulder the ultimate […]

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Building Boulder Dreams: A Blueprint For Exploring Your Potential Futures

In Boulder, we’re known for our forward-thinking community and the inspiring natural beauty that surrounds us. It’s the perfect setting for envisioning a brighter future and taking the steps to make it a reality. Whether you’re aiming for personal growth, professional achievements, or a more fulfilling lifestyle, the journey begins with a clear vision of […]

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gold buddha figurine on white table

Boulder’s Brilliant Sanity: Embracing Our Inner Light

In Boulder, a city that champions holistic health, residents find solace in the embrace of nature and the community’s commitment to physical, mental, and emotional well-being. At the heart of this sanctuary is Naropa University, a hub of contemplative education inspired by the teachings of Chögyam Trungpa Rinpoche. Here, the Buddhist concept of “Brilliant Sanity” […]

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Soy: Boulder’s Mighty Bean

In the heart of Boulder, where health and wellness are as much a part of the city as the Flatirons, soy has taken its rightful place as a nutritional powerhouse. This humble bean, often enjoyed as edamame, is not only a complete protein but also a rich source of vitamins and minerals essential for our […]

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woman holding clear footed mug about to drink a coffee

Coffee: Boulder’s Bad Habit or Buzzing with Benefits?

There are three things almost all Boulderites have in common: we like to stay active, we value our health, and we LOVE our coffee. But do those three things go together? The answer is not as simple as choosing dark or light roast, as coffee has both benefits and risks, depending on how much you drink, […]

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Boulder’s Secret to Gut Health & Happiness: Eat Plants!

Boulder is famous for its natural beauty, outdoor activities, and healthy lifestyle. But did you know that Boulder is also home to one of the largest and most comprehensive studies on the human gut microbiome? The American Gut Project, led by researchers at CU-Boulder and UC-San Diego, has analyzed the stool samples and dietary habits of […]

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blue round fruits on green leaves during daytime

Blueberries: Boulder’s Tiny Powerhouses

We’ve all heard blueberries are good for us, but are they really? And if so, why? Here’s the skinny on one of Boulder’s favorite berries. Blueberry’s Health Benefits Heart Health: Blueberries’ antioxidants may reduce the risk of heart disease by improving cholesterol levels and blood pressure. Brain Boost: Regular consumption has been linked to improved […]

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green and red fruit with green leaves

Let’s Talk About Inflammation!

Inflammation is your body’s natural response to injury, infection, or stress. It helps to heal and protect you from harm. However, when inflammation becomes chronic or excessive, it can cause more harm than good. Chronic inflammation is linked to many health problems, such as: Weight gain and obesity. Cardiovascular disease. Mood and depression. Cognitive function […]

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Meditation: The New Vegetable in Town

Meditation is an ancient practice that trains the mind to observe and regulate its own activity. It has been used for centuries by Hindu and Buddhist practitioners to cultivate attention, insight, and spirituality (1,2). More recently, meditation has been adopted and adapted by Western science and medicine as a way to enhance well-being, reduce stress, […]

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