Congress has passed a $2 Trillion Stimulus bill to help Americans and Corporations during the COVID-19 Pandemic. While the bill is long and it will take some time to determine exactly what will be available for each individual, we broke down Boulders demographics to determine what most residents will receive.

The median household income in Boulder is $78,642

The Stimulus bill will pay individuals with a gross income of $75,000 or less $1,200 as well as an additional $500 per kid under the age of 16

Married couples with a combined income under $150,000 will receive a check for $2,400, plus the per child addition.

The bill caps the checks for individuals earning over $99,000, couples with no kids earning $198,000 and couples with 2 kids earning $218,000.

Additionally, anyone without a social security number, including unregistered immigrants, will not be eligible for a check at all.

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