  Thursday - December 19th, 2024

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Poking Around Pekoe

I set out for the laziest hike I think I may have ever done to date. But, before I hit the mountains, I stopped in at Pekoe, on 1125 18th St, in Boulder. You will love the lightning fast service, friendly staff, and easy on the eye architecture.

The soft neutral colors, make for a relaxing environment. The booths are lovely to lounge in. I also thoroughly enjoyed the large low hanging lights. On a longer afternoon, I could see myself perusing what seemed to be almost a hundred different options for tea and coffee.  The simple set up is completed with timeless light wood, oodles of natural light filtered in through large windows, a view of the mountains, and a genuine outdoor patio.

I loved the “bar” that looked almost like a wine rack but was made for all the options of tea. I saw several students enjoying the convenient location and local coffee. The decaf mocha I sipped was rich. I loved the taste of strong almost bitter coffee, the way I think coffee should be made. Their mochas are the perfect combination of rich coffee bean and sweet cocoa, Peoke nailed it. They also had several gluten free options, like my absolute favorite lemon poppy seed bread. The subtle colors of green, purple, orange, and white offered a playfulness to the shop. It made me think of optimism, waking up, sipping the joe, and embracing the day with a smile. I recommend grabbing a prepackaged salad, breakfast burrito, or Noosa snack, it would be perfect to grab on the run on the way to a Sunday adventure.

After my morning coffee, I went right up the street to broadway and alpine and took my cup along the leisurely stroll through the mountains, it was a perfect Sunday, thanks to a bit of help from Pekoe coffee.

Sierra is a recent graduate with a bachelor's degree in psychology. She loves creative writing and gut wrenching stories of people and their lives. Sierra is a gluten free snacker with an attention to food allergies, and is a self professed super taster. Her current obsessions include social justice, photographing human subjects, and binge watching Netflix shows. Sierra has lived in Rifle, Gunnison, and Fort Collins. She currently divides her time between Boulder, Denver, and Loveland soaking up all that the Front Range has to offer.

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