Happening Halloween Festivals
Its that spooky time of year again and if you’re looking for ghouls, ghosts, and goblins, look no further than your local parks! This upcoming weekend and Halloween weekend are sure to be filled with festivals and fun activities in and around the parks and public areas in Boulder county.

Here’s my list of where to check out the frightful and fun fests:
- Halloween Carnival Oct 24 3-5pm at South Boulder Recreation Center
This indoor family fun carnival has lots of activities for the little ones!
- Halloween Havoc Skateboard Contest Saturday Oct 25 10am-4pm Scott Carpenter Park, Boulder
This spooky contest has a small fee to participate but skateboard enthusiasts are welcome to watch (of course, in costume).
- Haunted Library Sunday Oct 26 2pm George Reynolds Branch Library
Halloween party for kids and families, children under 10 specifically.
- Halloween at the Y Monday, Oct 275:30-7:30 Arapahoe Y, Boulder
This free event, open to everyone has a haunted house, carnival games, hayrides, and a costumed ice skating performances. Some food and activities will require cash.
- Munchkin Masquerade Friday Oct 31 3-6pm Pearl Street Mall area
Take the little ones to trick or treat on Pearl Street, the website lists businesses that’ll give free treats to the kids.
- Monster Movie Fest: Night of the Living Dead Thursday Oct 23 7-8:30pm Longmont Public Library
Come in your costume and get scared at this free viewing of the movie Night of the Living Dead, complete with popcorn and refreshments.
- Halloween Parade and Trick or Treat Street Saturday Oct 25 10am Main Street, Longmont
This family friendly parade and following Trick or Treat street is sure to delight everyone from the little ones to the grandmas.
- Boulder Facial Hair Club Competition Saturday Oct 25 7:30pm Longmont, The Dickens Tavern and Opera House
While this may not sound like a Halloween event, it had to be included because well beards are cool and make your face look different- so its like a costume party for faces.
- Day of the Dead Family Celebration Nov 1, 11am-4pm Longmont Mueseum and Cultural Center
From now leading up to El Día de Los Muertos on Nov 1, there will be several events as well as an ongoing exhibit at the mueseum. This is one of the largest Day of the Dead celebrations in Colorado and sure to be plenty of fun with music and dancing, sugar skull decorating, community altars, paper flower making, face painting, lady Catrina and more.
- Fall Festival Sunday Oct 26 1:30-5:30pm Bob L. Burger Recreation Center, Lafayette
This event features 3 events combined into one awesome Fall Festival: The Great Pumpkin Race, Window Decorating Contest, and The Lions Club Pumpkin Decorating Contest are coming together for some serious fall fun!
- Youth and Teen Garage Sale Oct 25 9-11:30 am Louisville Recreation Center
If Halloween isn’t your thing, then check out this garage sale where you’re sure to get some deals.
- Niwot’s Great Pumpkin Party Saturday Oct 25, 10am-2pm Cottonwood Square, Niwot
With a parade, dog costume contest, hayrides and more, the little town of Niwot knows how to put on a festival!
Pumpkin Patches
And almost any day from now until Halloween you can visit one of these family friendly pumpkin patches around Boulder. Many have other activities, so check their websites for more information.
Have fun this weekend!