  Tuesday - January 28th, 2025

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Boulder Weekend Events

I feel comfortable enough to say that I believe summer has arrived! I am very excited to see what the coming weeks will bring to Boulder County and you should be too! Engaging the mind is the theme of this weekend, and there is plenty to awaken your creative side!

Saturday, June 13

Now that the season for gardening has finally arrived, The Allure and Romance of Old Garden Roses is what everyone with a green thumb and a love for roses has been waiting for. The seasonal and physical versatility of antique roses is what makes them a classic for all rose lovers to grow.

Image by The Antique Rose Emporium

Image by The Antique Rose Emporium

Learn the basics of growing these as well as the other benefits they offer, like medicinal, to name one. Grow the garden that will be the talk of the town!

Time: 1pm

Cost: $15

Location: Harlequin’s Gardens, Boulder.

Join the fifth annual Colorado Independent Women of Film Festival where the indie films of 20 different filmmakers will be featured, spanning the genres of short films, documentaries, music videos, television episodes, and animation.

Image by The Daily Camera

Image by The Daily Camera

Empower yourself with the creativity and interaction of fellow women as well as women in film.

Time: 3pm

Cost: $10/block, $15/day, $25 festival pass

Location: The Bug Theater, Denver.

Sunday, June 14

For those of us who love the old world Tibetan shops we are lucky to have locally, the Exhibition of the Buddha’s Ancient and Sacred Relics is sure to please. The Maitreya Loving Kindness Tour makes it possible for relics of the Buddha, as well as those of forty-four additional masters, to be on display at no cost to attendees.

Image by Trek Earth

Image by Trek Earth

Various relics being shown have been provided by His Holiness the Dalai Lama, as well as some provided from Tibet and Burma. There will be a total of 3,000 relics to be seen, and as someone who has only recently visited a Buddhist Temple, I must encourage the public to visit and see for themselves these truly exquisite and breathtaking items.

Time: 10pm

Cost: Free

Location: Boulder Shambhala Center, Boulder.

The multi-talented and gifted Meg Hutchinson will be leading Training the Mind and Changing the Brain: Methods of Transformation. Attendees will spend 90 minutes learning various meditations to calm and harness the mind in trying times. Anyone and everyone can benefit from a class meant to remedy the overworking and over-thinking we subject ourselves to every day.

Time: 1pm

Cost: Free

Location: Mamie Doud Eisenhower Public Library, Broomfield.

Boulder Colorado Air Quality

A Day on Boulder Creek

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