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The Victories of Boulder County Sustainability

2015 is a new year, full of potential. While there is a collective hope for a more sustainable future not just locally but across the world, it is important to not forget sustainability’s local victories that have already happened.   Boulder county is a region where there has already been notable successful sustainable reform.  According to Boulder county’s website, sustainability means “The use, development and protection of resources in a way that enables Boulder county residents to meet their needs and maintain a high quality of life, without compromising the ability of future residents to do the same.”  The following are the success stories for environmental sustainability in Boulder county.


In 2005 Boulder county stated that it has a commitment to conserving resources, reducing waste, and preventing pollution. 

In 2008, Boulder county began requiring the use of green building standards for new construction in the residential sector.  

By providing incentives for installing water-efficient irrigation to nearby farmers, Boulder county is able to help these farmers improve water efficiency on their farms by over fifty percent.  


A device that the county government’s energy consulting service installs is saving approximately twenty-four million gallons of fresh, useable water annually.  

Boulder county’s transportation system includes a multimodal system that allows for easier travel via public transportation, walking, and alternative modes of transportation such a biking.  


Bus EcoPasses provided by the local government increased the amount of people riding on the Lyons and Nederland buses by thirty to forty percent.  

Local household’s hazardous waste properly disposed of increased by forty percent after a new waste facility opened in 2011.   

Boulder county’s energy consulting service, Energysmart, is so successful that “as of April 2014, [Energysmart] reached 11,647 homes and 3,181 businesses, supporting local jobs and stimulating more than $24 million of local investment”.  

Boulder county gave six grants in 2013 to smaller communities within Boulder county so that those places could improve local sustainability.

These feats have boosted the sustainability of Boulder county in the past and also have created a model for how other communities can be successfully sustainable; however, these sustainable achievements are not the only ways that Boulder county is creating a more sustainable future.  The mission of Boulder county sustainability is “to ensure Boulder county’s operations and decision-making reflect our commitment to Environmental, Social and Economic sustainability and to build partnerships to help make the broader community more sustainable.”  This mission is achieved through Boulder county’s environmental sustainability plan.

The environmental sustainability plan of Boulder county encompasses a set of regulations, procedures, guidelines and services provided by the local government that promote environmental sustainability. Topics in this set include waste services, air quality, water conservation, health and wellness, climate, ecological health, energy and buildings, transportation, local food and agriculture, business sustainability, energy efficiency and mountain sustainability.  The Boulder county website includes the environmental sustainability plan as well as more information on how Boulder county promotes sustainable behavior and provides support for people trying to be more sustainable.



For More Information, learn here about Boulder county’s efforts to create a more sustainable future.


Corey Blum Director of Sustainability
Boulder Colorado Air Quality

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