  Tuesday - January 14th, 2025

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Photo Credit: Anthony D’Alessandro

This past Tuesday I went and saw the movie Trumpland by Michael Moore, which was played by CU’s International Film Series in Muenzinger auditorium. It’s a film that was very educational that I suggest everyone see before this election is over. What was really cool about this screening is that when it ended, we had a Q & A with Michael Moore who skyped in, and let me just say, for those who don’t know who he is, he is someone to be listened to. This movie can be rented on iTunes, Amazon, and I believe YouTube.

Some of the facts that were in the movie were things I had no idea about. Due to the material being about both Hilary and Trump, Moore played the angle in favor of women (because let’s face it, Hilary is really the only option for president). He named some interesting things about women that are important to know. For example, he said that today there are more single women in the US than every before. He explained that this is because women are a lot more independent and don’t need to be married to have worth. This is scary to men because they think that women are taking over which is why people are voting for Trump instead of Hilary. 53% of the US population is women, so why don’t women have more pivotal positions in government, and why are we still paid less compared to men? Another thing that was interesting to hear that no one really talks about is that majority of the violence in our world, and what has happened throughout history, has been caused by men. Not a single school shooting, or mass shooting of any kind has ever been done by a woman. The Atomic bomb, the worst bomb ever created was invented by a man. He mentioned that it has come to the point where Mother Nature is even stepping in because statistically, more females are being born in the world than males. Women need to start taking control of our world so that maybe we’ll have more peace!!

I’m not someone who really keeps up with politics too much, but after seeing this movie I feel a lot more educated than I was before. It is a really powerful film, I suggest everyone see it!


Lily Lemire Lead CU Buff Stuff blogger
Lily is a senior at the University of Colorado at Boulder and will be graduating with a Bachelor of Arts in Film Studies along with a certificate in Business. She is originally from Scarborough, Maine, but decided to venture to Colorado for it's beauty and to get back in touch with her birth place which is Boulder. She is a Film Studies major because she is very interested in the behind the scenes of what goes into making a film. Not only that, but her favourite hobby in the world is to watch movies. She recently went abroad to Sydney, Australia to get a taste of a different culture. While being there, she learned to not take life too seriously, and to slow things down. The Australian lifestyle can really teach a person how to be chill. You can find Lily at the movies, hanging on Pearl Street having a beer with friends, or at the breathtaking lookout of Flagstaff enjoying the view.
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