  Friday - June 21st, 2024

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John Fox Isn’t the Answer, He’s the Problem

If Denver Broncos fans wanted any indicator of how their team would perform in big games under head coach John Fox and new NFL legend QB Peyton Manning, five games into the 2012 season they got their answer. When the Broncos went 0-3 against the Atlanta Falcons, Houston Texans, and New England Patriots, teams whose […]

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Beginning Triathlon, What to Spend Your Money On Part 1: Swim

Triathlon is a very expensive sport. Between the equipment, race fees, coaching, and gym/pool memberships the cost of everything can really start to add up. As a former employee of Tribe Multisport in Scottsdale, AZ I often got asked my opinion for what to buy for a beginner. Also, as my friends began the sport, […]

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PEDs in Sport: Is it Time for a Change?

Torn ACLs and MCLs. Broken Backs and bulging dics. Shattered femurs, tibias, clavicles, wrists, or arms. Torn Achilles, Labrum, Pectorals, and Biceps. Dislocated ankles, and rotator cuffs. Concussions. Degenerative Brain Diseases. CTE. Increased Pain threshold. Medication dependency. Headaches, Nausea, Muscle cramps. A false sense of invincibility. Diminished ability to concentrate. Mood instability. Loss of vision. […]

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How to Improve this Offseason without Swimming, Biking, or Running

Many athletes are considered superhuman. How can a baseball player hit a ball 450 feet? How can a basketball player jump over 4 feet high? How can a triathlete run a marathon after biking and swimming so far? Indeed this talent is fairly superhuman, but even for the most impressive athletes, the body needs a […]

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College Athletic Programs: Too Big To Fail?

The University of Colorado made 58 million dollars off of its student-athletes in 2013. In return, the athletes received 8.8 million dollars in academic aid, or 15%. If that sounds lopsided, then you’re reading it correctly. That aforementioned disparity of amount earned versus amount received is at the heart of a very heated debate in […]

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It’s like a Fantasy Football…Fantasy

  It’s a phenomenon that’s generating nearly four billion in revenue a year and conversely, is also projected to cost employers an estimated six and a half billion dollars over a 17-week period. When you calculate the amount of time spent by those involved with it into dollars, along with the advertisements, and other money […]

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Triathletes love Boulder, compression socks, and this new blog.

Boulder has a reputation for being a very healthy, active, and outdoorsy place. I was recently on Tinder and just about every girl on there had some sort of picture of themselves hiking, snowboarding, or finishing the Bolder Boulder on their profile. Their favorite places to shop include the bike shop, Whole Foods, and REI. […]

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CU Cross Country Races to the Top

Colorado Cross Country has done it again. On Saturday, November 2nd, the Buffaloes hosted the Pac-12 Cross Country Championships for the first time since 2002 and represented their home turf justly by coming out swinging (or sprinting, rather). The weather was just right for running on Saturday, with cool temperatures and very little wind as […]

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Colorado Football and the Spirit of CU

With the beginning of a new football season underway, it’s hard not to notice the change in disposition among CU students and the city of Boulder. You can feel it on campus, on the Hill, downtown, and in living rooms across the city; finally, we’ve got a football team worth talking about (instead of sighing […]

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Boulder Colorado Air Quality

A Day on Boulder Creek

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