  Friday - July 26th, 2024

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Boulder’s Beacon: Embracing Joy and Playfulness in Healing

In Boulder, where the mountains stand as silent witnesses to the resilience of nature, a similar strength is found in the hearts of those who seek healing. Ellie Grey Ashton, a Colorado local with an MS in Psychology, PhD candidacy in Psychology/Developmental Psychology, and an alphabet list of healing certifications, is a testament to this. […]

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Soy: Boulder’s Mighty Bean

In the heart of Boulder, where health and wellness are as much a part of the city as the Flatirons, soy has taken its rightful place as a nutritional powerhouse. This humble bean, often enjoyed as edamame, is not only a complete protein but also a rich source of vitamins and minerals essential for our […]

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Boulder’s Protein Powerhouses: Quinoa, Hemp, and Edamame

Welcome to the world of plant-based nutrition, where health meets taste and every meal is an opportunity for nourishment. Whether you’re an athlete, a health enthusiast, or simply curious about plant-based eating, let’s explore three super-sources of complete protein (protein sources that contain all nine (9) essential amino acids that our body needs to build our […]

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Boulder’s Skyline to Success: Ultra-Marathon Running Lessons for Life

The “Boulder Skyline Traverse” is one of Boulder’s iconic mountain running trails that summits each of the 5 mountain peaks that etch the Boulder skyline. At 35 miles and 10,500 ft vertical gain, the out-and-back traverse provides a long day of physical and emotional ups and downs — not unlike life itself. As a health coach, I […]

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Woman Wearing Black Top Holding White Cup

Coffee in Boulder: Boulder’s Favorite Brew Habit Could Extend Your Life!

There are three things almost all Boulderites have in common: we like to stay active, we value our health, and we LOVE our coffee. And for good reason! The caffeine and antioxidant content in coffee give it some big health benefits that make it a no-brainer for Boulder’s biohacking health-centric community. To be fair, coffee […]

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fruit, dessert, food

Let’s Talk About Smoothies!

Smoothies are all the rage these days, but are they really all they’re cracked up to be? From the green vegetable variety to the more-like-milkshake fare, we’ve got the skinny on smoothies here.     Do you want to boost your health, energy, and mood with a simple and delicious drink? If so, you might […]

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green and red fruit with green leaves

Let’s Talk About Inflammation!

Inflammation is your body’s natural response to injury, infection, or stress. It helps to heal and protect you from harm. However, when inflammation becomes chronic or excessive, it can cause more harm than good. Chronic inflammation is linked to many health problems, such as: Weight gain and obesity. Cardiovascular disease. Mood and depression. Cognitive function […]

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person in orange jacket and blue pants standing on rocky hill during daytime

Boulder’s Favorite Pastime: Type 2 Fun

Have you ever done something that was hard, uncomfortable, or even painful in the moment, but rewarding and satisfying after? If you live in Boulder, you probably have. You might even be that person who wakes up before dawn to engage in some epic all-day (and sometimes all-night) climbing, skiing, running, or cycling adventure. You […]

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A Day on Boulder Creek

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