  Thursday - September 19th, 2024

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Faces of Boulder

Faces of Boulder- Pic of the Day!

Meet Leo! Leo is currently a senior at the University of Colorado and is looking forward to graduating in May! He just moved into a new place off Pearl and was enjoying his walk home after class. Leo has taken a few anthropology classes, however has found his love lies in the studio arts.  He […]

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Faces of Boulder- Pic of the Day!

Meet Justin! This Denver native drove into Boulder today to tackle one of its many Flatirons. This was his second time out on Green Mountain, and this particular trail run was gonna be 12+ miles round trip! He is a bar manager in Denver, and loves hitting the trails in his free time. Have a […]

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Faces of Boulder- Pic of the Day!

  Meet Holly! A local student at Fairview High, she dishes out snow cones as a part time summer job. When she isn’t studying or working, she is a part of her high school color guard. Holly’s favorites about Boulder include how easy it is to get around, and how beautiful the city is. Thanks […]

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Faces of Boulder- Pic of the Day!

Meet Jack and Courtney! This couple was in Boulder for dinner tonight, making the drive in from Denver. They worked their way through construction on Pearl Street, stopping to give some of their favorites about Boulder. Courtney is an occupational therapist, and Jack does landscaping. Breweries topped their favorites list! Enjoy your date night!

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Faces of Boulder- Pic of the Day!

Meet the mystery masked man! Here he jams out on a few hand-drums on the cobble pathways of Pearl Street. His African style mask compliments the traditional African drums known as Djembes. The long strips of leather swing in rhythm as he sways back in forth switching from drum to drum. The soft melodic tempos bring Boulder to life as the sunsets on this […]

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Faces of Boulder- Pic of the Day!

Meet Mae! Mae is currently a high school student and was out on Pearl street today testing out her photography skills!  She is enrolled in a photography class and is exclusively shooting on black and white film.  She is particularly interested in photo journalism when thinking of using her knowledge of photography in the future. […]

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Faces of Boulder- Pic of the Day!

Meet Emily! Emily is working for her sister’s local honey business called “Lazy Bee Ranch.”  This honey company prides itself on using raw and natural flavors to create their delicious honeys!  Based out of Hudson, CO; Emily estimates that they own about 400 colonies of bees in not only Hudson but also in Lafayette and […]

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Faces of Boulder- Pic of the Day!

Meet Deb! Deb was visiting from Austin, Texas to help her step daughter move into her new apartment! To take a break from moving, Deb decided to take a walk around Flagstaff mountain this weekend. She has visited numerous times over the course of her step daughter’s schooling and is continuously impressed by what this town […]

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Faces of Boulder- Pic of the Day!

Meet Jack!  Jack is a Colorado native hailing from just south of Denver.  He decided to go to the University of Colorado to pursue an Astronomy degree with a Geology minor; but over time changed his mind to double major in Astrophysics and Geophysics!  Jack is mostly interested in studying geology of bodies in our […]

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Faces of Boulder- Pic of the Day!

Meet Mark and Ethan! They both work at Rush Bowls and were enjoying some down time after the lunch rush.  Ethan is a student at Boulder High about to enter his junior year.  When thinking about college, Ethan thinks CU will be the best bet.  “It’s the best option, and I love Boulder I wouldn’t […]

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Boulder Colorado Air Quality

A Day on Boulder Creek

Featured Boulder Song

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