When Are Boulder’s First and Last Snowfalls?
Boulder, Colorado is known for receiving a significant amount of snowfall, particularly during the winter months. This is due to a combination of several factors, including its high altitude, location near the Rocky Mountains, and its proximity to the continental divide.
Boulder is situated at an elevation of approximately 5,400 feet above sea level, which means that the air temperature is typically cooler than at lower elevations. Additionally, the nearby Rocky Mountains act as a barrier, causing moist air to rise and cool, resulting in precipitation in the form of snow.
Furthermore, Boulder is located on the east side of the continental divide, which often results in upslope storms that bring even more snow to the area. These storms occur when moist air from the east rises and cools as it moves up the slopes of the Rockies, resulting in heavy snowfall on the western side of the mountains.
Overall, the combination of high altitude, proximity to the Rockies, and location on the continental divide make Boulder, Colorado a prime location for snowfall during the winter months.
According to www.currentresults.com/ Boulder’s first autumn snowfall may arrive as early as September or as late as November. October is more likely than not to receive at least two inches of snow. The season’s final snowfall falls in April or May. From June to August, Boulder is normally snow-free.
Most snowfall days in Boulder leave at least an inch of fresh snow on the ground. On average, three inches or more of new snow falls on 12 days per year. Snowfalls of more than five inches per day are common six times a year. On average, one of those days will include a major blizzard with a snowfall of ten inches or more.
First Snowfall in Boulder:
2000 September 23 2001 October 5 2002 October 23 2003 October 30 2004 November 1 2005 November 15 2006 October 10 2007 October 21 2008 October 13 2009 October 10 2010 November 9 2011 October 26 2012 October 5 2013 October 4 2014 September 12 2015 November 11 2016 November 17 2017 October 5 2018 October 10 2019 October 10 2020 September 8 2021 November 24