  Friday - July 26th, 2024

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Articles by: Amanda Cruz

New To Yoga? A 3-Step Beginner’s Guide For Starting Out

  I remember the first time I unrolled a yoga mat. I was eighteen years old, shy, and slightly terrified. This feeling is not uncommon. In fact, it’s quite normal when tackling unfamiliar territory of any kind. Yoga, as a discipline, is made up of several unique layers, with Asana (physical postures) being one of, […]

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Yoga For Snowboarding: 6 Poses To Prep You For Winter Riding

  It’s almost that time of year. Tiny hints of autumn are already in the air. With cooler weather on its way, so is the (hopeful) promise of a strong snow season. I say this with great enthusiasm;  I’m a snowboarder. Winter sports are my favorite, and nothing complements my yoga practice more than strapping […]

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Get Better Sleep With Restorative Yoga: A Simple 3-Step Routine

  There are many different types of yoga, and it’s about time this particular style gets its due. You don’t have to constantly be sweating in a heated room to reap the same benefits that a more static practice has to offer—calmness, reduced stress, enhanced flexibility (to name a few).  In fact, restorative yoga is […]

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Get Your Yoga On: 6 Budgeting Tips For An Aspen Yoga-Nature Staycation

  I firmly believe that nature is medicine. There is nothing more rejuvenating than unplugging from the world for a few hours, sifting through trees and allowing silence to be your personal tour guide. What is now commonly referred to as forest bathing, the act of immersing yourself in nature while simultaneously being present to […]

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Colorado Yoga Teacher Spotlight: Meet Brett Mehlman

It’s 6 a.m., and slivers of sunlight peep through the large, elongated windows of Brett Mehlman’s Denver-based studio apartment, greeting him as he begins his morning. A fresh glass of water is the first thing on his mind, followed by a guided meditation. As a busy yoga instructor, an established morning ritual is key for […]

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Hidden Gems: Come Play At Nederland’s Mountain Yoga Haven

“Let’s begin practice by lying on our backs, with our sacrum and legs extending up against the wall.” The class eagerly responded as such. Nestled into position in the cozily lit room of Nederland, Colorado’s Tadasana Mountain Yoga Studio, I began to relax while simultaneously awaiting the next set of instructions. Kim, our teacher for […]

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Yoga On The Rocks: Take Your Practice To The Next Level

They stand, side by side, towering 300 feet over practitioners below. The iconic red sandstone walls ricocheting sound from the front of the stage where the DJ is playing, as more than 2,000 people raise their hands above their heads before bowing to fold forward. With the early morning sun rising, slowly warming the amphitheater, […]

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ARISE: A Transformative Colorado Festival of Yoga and Music

Community and healing: those are the words that come to mind when partaking in your first yoga-music festival. For anybody that’s been to ARISE before, they’ll likely know what I’m talking about. Nestled between the rolling green foothills of Loveland, Colorado is Sunrise Ranch—an ideal location for an event such as this. Whether you come […]

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