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Boulder’s Motivational Monday: Exploring Habits of Highly Effective People

Monday in Boulder is the perfect day for a “motivational day.” The “Motivational Monday” alliteration is an added bonus. Highly motivated highly effective people generally did not re-invent the motivational process. They learned from mentors, guides, gurus, instructors, other motivational speakers, books, movies, and in short, from anywhere! For today’s Monday let’s take a look at one of the most famous of the books on being motivated, being effective, and being successful. We’ve all heard of the Covey book, 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Highly effective people use time efficiently, even to an extreme. In that spirit, let’s take a brief and insightful look at the famous Covey book.

Are you looking to enhance your personal and professional effectiveness? If you’re not, why not??? And if you are, you are in the right place. Just keep reading. Look no further than ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’ by Stephen R. Covey. This timeless book has empowered countless individuals to transform their lives and achieve their goals. Let’s delve into the profound wisdom encapsulated in these seven habits and discover how they can help you unleash your full potential.

Habit 1: Be Proactive

In ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,’ Covey emphasizes the significance of taking control of your actions and decisions. Being proactive means recognizing that you have the power to choose your responses to any situation, rather than simply reacting. This habit encourages individuals to adopt a proactive mindset, enabling them to tackle challenges with resilience and determination.

By embracing proactivity, you can cultivate a sense of empowerment and agency in your life. Instead of feeling like a victim of circumstances, you become the architect of your destiny, capable of steering your life in the direction you desire.

Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind

One of the pivotal habits outlined by Covey is the practice of envisioning your goals and aspirations before taking action. When you begin with the end in mind, you create a clear roadmap for your journey towards success. This habit prompts individuals to define their long-term objectives and align their daily actions with their overarching vision.

By internalizing this habit, you can cultivate a sense of purpose and direction in your endeavors. Whether in your career, relationships, or personal development, starting with a clear vision of your desired outcomes empowers you to make choices that are in harmony with your ultimate goals.

Habit 3: Put First Things First

Effectiveness is not merely about being busy; it’s about prioritizing tasks that align with your values and goals. Covey’s third habit urges individuals to focus on important, non-urgent activities rather than succumbing to the tyranny of the urgent. By organizing and executing your priorities, you can exert greater influence over the outcomes in your life. My personal version of Habit 3 is to focus on “what next?” I already have the end goal in mind. What I really need to know is what to do next. That is a key principle, since it narrows your focus and eases the path to figuring out specifically how to reach your goal.

Notice how easy it is to be fooled by what you think is the right order of action items. This stresses the importance of knowing what next.” When you put first things first, you cultivate a disciplined approach to time management and decision-making. This habit encourages you to invest your time and energy in activities that yield long-term benefits, fostering a sense of accomplishment and fulfillment.

Habit 4: Think Win-Win

In a world often characterized by cutthroat competition, Covey introduces the concept of ‘Think Win-Win’ as a paradigm for collaborative and mutually beneficial interactions. This habit encourages individuals to seek outcomes that are advantageous to all parties involved, fostering a spirit of cooperation and abundance.

By embracing a win-win mindset, you can cultivate healthy and enriching relationships, both personally and professionally. This approach fosters trust, respect, and synergy, laying the groundwork for sustainable success and harmonious interactions.

As we explore the timeless wisdom of ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People,’ it becomes evident that these principles offer a transformative framework for personal and professional growth. By internalizing these habits, individuals can unlock their potential, cultivate resilience, and navigate their journey towards success with clarity and purpose. Embracing these habits empowers individuals to become architects of their destiny, fostering a life of effectiveness, fulfillment, and significance.

These first 4 of the Covey guidelines are in perfect sync with two expressions which are guiding lights for me. First, “Shared Knowledge is Power.” Second, the Yiddish expression gista bista. Passed on through my paternal grandmother, it means “he who gives, is.” I refer to these two expressions of the same concept as my “living epitaph” Why wait until I’m dead to say something wise and lasting? I am not that good at delayed gratification.

If you find the initial 4 habits a bit much, pick any one and focus on that one for a week. Then add a second one for a week, and so forth. Eat the elephant one bite at a time.

Lenny Lensworth Frieling

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