Insights for Boulder from Polonius: Trimming the Verbal Fat
pic Lenny Lensworth Frieling
Boulder values brevity. After all, “Brevity is the soul of wit.” From the play Hamlet, written by English poet William Shakespeare around 1603. Polonius says it in act 2, scene 2.Some see his “advice to a young man” speech as one good piece of advice after another. A more critical reading IMO in my opinion is that each piece of advice contradicts the advice just given. It is internally contradictory to the point of absurdist humor. BUT in this case, I’m going to listen to Polonius on this one this time, and be brief. This picture was taken this afternoon with a camera disguised as a phone, through my front windshield. I think I was legally pulled over on the shoulder at Legion Park.
I did not want to push it by getting out of the car. It was so bright that I could not see the screen on the back of the phone very much. I clicked a few and deftly pulled back onto Arapahoe. I had just washed the windshield.
Lenny Lensworth Frieling
Shared Knowledge Is Power!
- Multi-published and syndicated blogger and author.
- University lectures at University. of Colorado, Boulder, Denver University Law School, Univ. of New Mexico, Las Vegas NM, and many other schools at all levels. Numerous lectures for the NORML Legal Committee
- Former Judge
- Media work, including episodes of Fox’s Power of Attorney, well in excess of many hundreds media interviews, appearances, articles, and podcasts, including co-hosting Time For Hemp for two years.
- Life Member, NORML Legal Committee, Distinguished Counsel Circle.
- Photographer of the Year, AboutBoulder 2023
- First Chair and Originator of the Colorado Bar Association’s Cannabis Law Committee, a National first.
- Previous Chair, Boulder Criminal Defense Bar (8 years)
- Twice chair Executive Counsel, Colorado Bar Association Criminal Law Section
- Life Member, Colorado Criminal Defense Bar
- Board Member Emeritus, Colorado NORML, and prior chair during legalization, as well as pre and post legalization
- Chair, Colorado NORML, 7 years including during the successful effort to legalize recreational pot in Colorado
- Senior Counsel Emeritus to the Boulder Law firm Dolan + Zimmerman LLP : (720)-610-0951
- Board member, Author, and Editor for Criminal Law Articles for the Colorado Lawyer, primary publication of the Colorado Bar Assoc. 7 Years, in addition to having 2 Colorado Lawyer cover photos, and numerous articles for the Colorado Lawyer monthly publication.