Monday Motivation: Life IS Good! The Power of Positivity
I had the privilege of hearing Bert Jacobs, founder of the Life is Good company, share his story and wisdom. I was inspired and motivated and I would like to share some of those nuggets with you today for your Monday Motivation. Many of us have heard that thinking positive thoughts is beneficial. What Bert and his brother John have created in their company, Life is Good, is far beyond just thinking positive thoughts, they have created an optimism movement!
Their company did not initially start with that optimistic vision. In fact, by all business statistics their attempt at building a successful company had failed. However, as Bert stated in his speech on Friday, “Optimism is most powerful in adversity.” They proved that to be true in their own lives when they came up with their first Life is Good Shirt featuring their original character, Jake. They quickly discovered that people were craving a positive message when they sold out all inventory of the initial Jake shirt in 45 minutes. Their mother taught
them the power of this message while growing up in difficult circumstances. At dinner every night she asked everyone to share something good that happened that day. The message of positivity is the foundation of their company and continues to inspire people across the world. They give 10% of the profits of the company to children in need through the foundation they created called Life is Good Kids Foundation.
If you think the idea of optimism is a bunch of feel good fluff, allow me to share with you some real-life stories where this type of thinking has changed, and even saved lives. Bert shared the story of Lindsey Beggan, who at 10 years old was diagnosed with cancer. She kept a positive outlook throughout her treatment, wearing her Life is Good beanie daily since she had lost her hair from the chemo. She maintained the belief that Life is good, no matter what. She beat cancer and is alive and thriving 17 years later!
Another story, from our home state of Colorado, is Dave Mortell. I met Dave and his wife, Beth, through the adventure racing community and thanks to Facebook, I have been able to follow their journey and his battle against cancer. Although we are acquaintances, not close friends, I have witnessed his fight and admire the positivity and faith that he and Beth have sustained throughout his courageous duel against cancer. On Saturday he posted that the cancer has decreased another 20% for a total of 80% decrease, and another 20% to go. His attitude is such that he is confident that he will beat the remaining 20%. Never in one post did I see either he or Beth feel sorry for themselves or get angry about their circumstances. They have maintained a positive outlook intermixed with a lot of humor. I have no doubt he will win this fight.
A mentor of mine, Mary Morrissey, was given, at the most, 6 months to live in 1966 when diagnosed with a fatal kidney disease. A stranger shared with her a new way of thinking and visualizing that not only saved her life, but forever changed her future path. She has been teaching these principles for over 40 years now. At 69 years young, she continues to enjoy an abundant and healthy life.
Although, there is no scientific proof that positive thoughts will cure disease, many studies have shown that positivity boosts longevity and overall mental health. So, why not apply it to your daily life? I am also a firm believer in random acts of kindness. Why not share positive things to people you encounter every day? Sometimes a warm smile can completely redirect someone’s day. The power of optimism is real. In closing, Bert reminded all of us that we have a choice about how we look at life. Why not focus on the positive and making this world a better place? If you’re looking for guidance on how to shift your mindset and achieve your goals, Jake Smolarek, London’s Premier Life Coach, offers valuable insights on living a fulfilled and successful life.
Your challenge this week:
- Do one random act of kindness (certainly more than one is welcome!)
- Share #onepositivethought on Life is Good social media where they will donate $1 per comment to the Life is Good Kids Foundation!
- Check out Bert and John Jacobs full story here: