  Saturday - September 7th, 2024

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Check Out These Additional Subcategories Under Food

Coffee Matters: The Geography of the Bean

Coffee is deeply imbedded in many people’s daily routines and personal rituals. For many coffee drinkers, coffee is more about convenience or comfort and less about complexities of taste or particulars in trade. Usually when you’re drinking a cup of coffee, you’re probably not thinking of all the steps taken by numerous individuals to bring […]

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A Taste of Argentina, In Boulder

Rincon Argentino is tucked away in The Village at Arapahoe and Folsom, near McGuckins Hardware.  They don’t really advertise, though they do have a nice website.  The interior is small, homey and inviting.  Futbol matches play on the tv, tables line the walls and a bar counter faces the open kitchen.  The kitchen itself is […]

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The Business of Third Wave Coffee

The phrase “third wave coffee” sounds inflated but it’s a term that best sums up the current trend that many coffee companies are invested in. Many independent coffee shops care about the nuanced flavors of different regional or varietal beans so they buy beans, or roast their own, from domestic companies which use roasting methods that […]

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Taco Wednesday

It’s Taco Tuesday!  Okay, it’s Wednesday, but it was Tuesday when I made the tacos so it still counts.  And really, who doesn’t love tacos?  I could probably eat them every day, if my wife wouldn’t object.  The Boulder area has some fantastic taco places, from Cyclhops in Longmont to Illegal Pete’s locations on the […]

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Intro to Third Wave Coffee: The Tides of America’s Caffeinated Culture

As a former barista and current coffee enthusiast, I regularly find myself talking to others about coffee. In the coffee discourse, my aim is to promote the ideals of third wave coffee without sounding grandiose. A label that is often met with eye-rolls and associated with shallow trendiness, “third wave coffee” is actually an extensive […]

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The Farm to Your Table

We’re lucky here in Boulder County to be blessed with amazing food all year round.  Better still, we’re lucky to have some of the best Farmer’s Markets I’ve experienced in my life.  Something about walking down the street, smelling vendors serving hot food, seeing all the gorgeous produce and getting to talk to farmers, vintners, […]

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An Ode To The Peach

It’s September already here in Boulder County and soon enough the leaves will start to turn and that first October snow will be on us.  Fortunately for us, the local Farmer’s Markets are still bustling and we can reap the benefits of summer for a little while longer.  Nestled on the Front Range, we have […]

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We’re Giving Away a FREE Lunch Special at Pizzeria Da Lupo!

Have you ever wanted your own personal pizza party? Well, if you answered “yes” to that, then today is your lucky day! We’ve partnered with the delicious Pizzeria Da Lupo for Pay-it-forward Friday and we’re giving away a free lunch special. What does a lunch special entail, you ask? Well, you receive a margarita or  marinara […]

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A Trip to the Boulder County Farmers’ Market

On Wednesday, August 28, I decided to get out of the house and stroll over to the Boulder Farmers’ Market for a real “only in Boulder” experience, and I’m happy to say that I got what I came for. I arrived at the market at around 5:30 p.m and found the place crawling with people. […]

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Boulder Colorado Air Quality

A Day on Boulder Creek

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