Boulder, Colorado has become a top marijuana destination for people around the world due to the legalization of recreational marijuana in 2012. Since then, the city has been at the forefront of the industry, with a plethora of dispensaries and cannabis-friendly activities to choose from. One reason why Boulder has become a popular destination for […]
Shelter dogs and cats are Colorado’s official state pets. Gov. John Hickenlooper signed a bill making the designation in 2013. State Dogs _______________ Rescued puppies (credit: CBS)
If you are interested in investing in real estate, then you need to know how to make an offer professionally. If you know how to make offers, then you will be able to negotiate more effectively and reduce the real estate’s final purchase price. Inexperienced people who haven’t the faintest idea of how to make […]
The expression “fried chicken” was first recorded in the 1830s and appears frequently in American cookbooks from the 1860s and 1870s. Fried chicken’s origins in the southern United States can be traced back to precedents in Scottish and West African cuisine. Here are the top 5 rated Fried Chicken Restaurants in Boulder, Colorado, based on […]
Despite having a French name, the dish actually has its roots in ancient Persia. Omelettes can be safely assumed to be either British or European cuisine due to their proximity to Europe and Britain, rather than American cuisine. The following five Boulder omelette restaurants have received the highest number of positive reviews on TripAdvisor recently: […]
Have you ever been in an extended funk where no matter how many massages you got, it just didn’t change your crabby mood? It’s so easy to get crabby. You have about 100 excuses these days with our current leadership’s actions, and non-actions. The bandwidth of all our time is overstretched. What to do? My […]