  Saturday - July 27th, 2024

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Boulder yoga

Boulder Yoga Bliss: Top Outdoor Locations for Finding Zen

Boulder, Colorado, nestled at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts and yogis alike. With its stunning natural landscapes and vibrant yoga community, Boulder offers an array of picturesque outdoor spots for yoga practice. Whether you’re a seasoned yogi or just starting your yoga journey, the following outdoor yoga spots […]

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woman in black tank top and black shorts sitting on brown wooden swing during daytime

Boulder’s New Yoga Craze: The Rise of Aerial Yoga

Boulder has long been a hotspot for fitness and wellness trends. Among the latest yoga trends to captivate the Boulder community is aerial yoga. This innovative practice combines traditional yoga poses with aerial acrobatics, using a silk hammock to support and elevate practitioners. As the trend continues to gain momentum, enthusiasts in Boulder are embracing […]

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Boulder and Yoga: The Rise of America’s Zen Hub

Boulder, Colorado, has earned the prestigious title of being the Yoga Capital of the country. Its rich history, serene natural beauty, and vibrant community have all played a significant role in shaping Boulder into a haven for yoga enthusiasts. Let’s delve into the fascinating journey of how Boulder has emerged as the ultimate destination for […]

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2024 Yoga Trends in Boulder: Going Green with Eco-Friendly Practices

Boulder, Colorado has long been a hub for eco-conscious living and holistic wellness practices. In recent years, the yoga community in Boulder has made significant strides in embracing eco-friendly principles, aligning their practice with sustainability and environmental consciousness. As we look ahead to 2024, it’s fascinating to explore the evolving landscape of eco-friendly yoga practices […]

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Boulder Yoga Bliss: Discover the Top 10 Studios

Are you looking for the best yoga studios in Boulder, Colorado? If so, you’ve come to the right place! Join us as we unravel the hidden gems of Boulder’s yoga scene and explore the top yoga studios in this vibrant city. From heated vinyasa classes to serene restorative sessions, Boulder has something for everyone. We’ll […]

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Thanksgiving Yoga: Happy Selves, Happy Cells

The cells in our bodies regenerate at different rates; in our hips, the cells completely regenerate about every seven years. As emotional centers, our hips store a lot of information including feelings, emotions, experiences, and relationships. Seven years. That’s seven years of family meetings. Seven Thanksgivings. Seven years of table time with family or friends. […]

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Why is Boulder Considered a Top Yoga City?

Yoga has become increasingly popular over the years, as people recognize its numerous benefits for the mind and body. Yoga is a holistic practice that combines physical postures, breathing techniques, meditation, and relaxation. It is widely recognized as an effective way to reduce stress, improve flexibility, strengthen muscles, and boost overall health. In addition to […]

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Favorite Outdoor Yoga Locations in Boulder

Boulder, Colorado is a wonderful destination for yoga enthusiasts, thanks to its abundant natural beauty and thriving yoga culture. Known for its stunning mountain vistas, sparkling lakes, and abundant parks, Boulder provides an ideal environment for yogis seeking to deepen their practice. One of the main reasons why Boulder is great for yoga is its […]

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Whatthehellasana, or How I Learned to Love Yoga

I’m going to let you in on a little secret…when I first started yoga back in 2000, I hated it. I mean, I really despised it. What the f*#k is a Sun Salutation, and why the f*#k do I have to do so many of them? And why does that guy next to me sound […]

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Brian Saeger: Running Late? Your Practicing Pranayama

Hello everyone, This week I went to Brian Saeger’s FREE class in the attic of Wesley Chappel. The class was packed with college  students, and is designed for students. One of the unique things about this class is that Brian is teaching it like a workshop with the goal of giving students a practice they […]

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