August 27th, 2020
What’s up confessioners, confessionistas, confessionalists! I recently decided I needed to make a move in life. I left Steamboat Springs for the college town of Ft Collins, Colorado. It was time for a change, but do not worry, I only changed towns not occupations. At this point, I cannot imagine myself doing anything other than […]
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August 13th, 2020
Recently we had our new Attorney General tell us that “good people don’t smoke weed”. That was an ignorant statement made by the man put in charge of this country’s legal affairs and law enforcement. Are you one of these “people”? I am! But…I am a law-abiding citizen, I pay my taxes, I am friendly […]
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July 7th, 2020
For me, the morning is the most important part of my day. I like to wake up early, around 5:00 or 6:00, to enjoy the sunrise and peacefulness the morning has to offer. This time sets my mind and body for the rest of the day, so I try to make it as productive and […]
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July 5th, 2020
Are you over the age of 55? (If you’re not, share this with your parents or grandparents, please.) How do you feel about marijuana? You’ve probably grown up in the post baby boomer generation when the war on drugs included marijuana labeled as the gateway drug. That probably sounds crazy, given the fact that 28 […]
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May 30th, 2020
I bet most of you (if there is anyone reading this yet – come on friends don’t be shy in the comments!) thought I would be writing about a local dispensary for my first official Canna-Business Review, but I thought I’d shake it up to show that I’m an unpredictable person always willing to stretch […]
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May 30th, 2020
**Strain Highlight: Strawberry Banana** With cannabis growth, increased demand, control and gene pool, the names we ascribe new strains greatly influences the industry’s assimilation into our popular culture. Sure, there are novelty strains – like those named for famous stoners: Willy Nelson, Bill Maher, and Snoop Dogg. And, often, it may seem like growers […]
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May 20th, 2020
Between work, practice, and competitions, some of which you have to travel for, all while taking care of family life at home, it can be difficult to find time for nutritious whole food meals when you’re always on the go. The easiest way to solve this issue is by doing some simple meal prepping, which […]
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May 20th, 2020
As a Cannabis Athlete and someone who believes health is wealth, I’m consistently looking at my nutritional intake and hemp seeds are one of the most nutritious seeds in the world. My friend and professional MMA fighter, Adam Meredith, also consumes hemp as one of his primary protein sources. They are a complete protein and […]
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May 6th, 2020
Do you want to be a better budtender? Then go to Amsterdam. Working in the industry in America with knowledge of the old world is priceless and it can be a good way to reconnect with cannabis if you are a long-time budtender. After a time, so much weed goes through your hands that it […]
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January 13th, 2018
Leaf of the Week
Athletes train and fuel their bodies to operate at optimal levels in their sport. CBD is the non psychoactive compound found in cannabis. It is a non toxic, natural option that provides multiple mental and physical benefits. The recent announcement by the WADA (World Anti Doping Agency) to remove CBD from the banned substance list […]
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