  Friday - September 20th, 2024

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Faces of Boulder

Faces of Boulder – Pic of the Day!

“From being a story teller I’ve learned a lot about communication and about different cultures. I’m always interested in how you find elements of a story in different cultures…It teaches you lessons. It teaches you things about people and about nature and then about a way of life that isn’t around anymore, like through the […]

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Faces of Boulder – Pic of the Day!

“I know how to turn away from the wrong crowd. When I had to leave my church, it was a Pentecostal church, and I left one night and they had weapons in the church and everything. They were going to try and hurt me. I left right on time. I got in the car, me […]

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Faces of Boulder – Pic of the Day!

“The thing that is frustrating as a teacher is this constant state of flux with philosophies that come and go with maybe administration in your building or maybe the school board philosophy. And everybody has this secret recipe for how to be successful and how to get these kids to do better. I don’t think […]

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Faces of Boulder – Pic of the Day!

“My personal experience in Boulder has probably gotten better because more of my friends have moved here and I have developed a large network of friends. So I would say that’s my dominant experience of Boulder, is my friendships…I think I will continue to live in Boulder, I’ll probably die here. This is by far […]

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Faces of Boulder – Pic of the Day!

“My parents got a divorce when I was six, so I grew up mostly just with my brother and I, and we would change houses every week. Which was sort of hard I think, but it also allowed my brother and I to get really close. I feel like he raised me in a lot […]

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Faces of Boulder – Pic of the Day!

I’m sitting with George  on a blizzardy day in Boulder. George is the Digital Content Manager at KGNU. That means he posts news on the blog, he describes himself as the digital jack of all trades, from web development, online content and social media guru. He volunteered for 15 years before becoming a paid staff member […]

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Faces of Boulder – Pic of the Day

Today is a special young Face of Boulder. I am sitting with Talia who is in 5th grade at Flatirons elementary. Next year she is excited to be starting middle school at Manhattan middle school of Arts and Sciences. Talia says she going to take band next year. She plays the trumpet. In 7th grade, […]

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Faces of Boulder – Pic of the Day

“I do white tail deer hunting…I do bow hunting, no shot gun, nothing like that. It’s more of a challenge. Instead of shooting a deer from 300 yards away I’m shooting one from 30 yards away…When I was a little kid my grandpa gave me a shot gun, you know, the whole nine yards. I […]

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Faces of Boulder – Pic of the Day!

“I am a professor at a college, I teach chemistry…I am doing research, we are doing mainly polymers. Those polymers can have connecting properties so that’s what we are looking at…We are making long chain polymers…because polymers are everywhere, we need polymers… To discover something new is always very exciting. I think that chemistry is […]

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Faces of Boulder – Pic of the Day!

“I want to spend as much time as possible living in foreign countries. That has been the best and most amazing thing I have done in my life so far…That’s what my goal really is, to see as much as possible. It saddens me how we have this one beautiful sphere of life in a […]

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A Day on Boulder Creek

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