  Wednesday - June 26th, 2024

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Uncovering the Hidden Gems of Bear Mountain: A Hikers Guide to Boulder

Nestled in the heart of the picturesque Boulder, Colorado, Bear Mountain offers an array of hidden gems waiting to be discovered by avid hikers. With its breathtaking vistas and diverse trails, Bear Mountain is a haven for outdoor enthusiasts seeking an unforgettable adventure. This guide will unveil the captivating allure of Bear Mountain and provide […]

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Bolder Boulder: Faces of Determination Against Green Mountain

In the latest edition of “Faces of Boulder – Bolder Boulder Edition,” we capture the determined runners participating in one of the most renowned races in the country. Set against a backdrop of a beautiful day, the iconic Flatirons and Green Mountain, towering over 8,000 feet high, create an epic and inspiring scene. These athletes […]

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Boulder’s Bear Peak and Green Mt: A Red Sunrise!

Pic Lenny Lensworth Frieling My Boulder-Bizarre sleeping habit are suited to a 4:30 AM blog. It is also suited, currently, for meteor viewing  before dawn as well as being up for sunrises. The view of the sun lighting the Front Range and turning it red is truly heartwarming. Was Polonius right, when in Hamlet, giving […]

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Boulder’s Skyline to Success: Ultra-Marathon Running Lessons for Life

The “Boulder Skyline Traverse” is one of Boulder’s iconic mountain running trails that summits each of the 5 mountain peaks that etch the Boulder skyline. At 35 miles and 10,500 ft vertical gain, the out-and-back traverse provides a long day of physical and emotional ups and downs — not unlike life itself. As a health coach, I […]

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This Weekend’s 7 Best Hikes in Boulder

Boulder is beautiful and has a great variety of hiking trails to choose from, ranging from beginner’s to more advanced. Try knocking off all of these hikes as it gets warmer! 1. Royal Arch Trail Royal Arch Trail begins in Chautauqua by the ranger station–you’ll know that you’ve started on the right trail when you […]

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Boulder Lake’s Twilight Magic: Green and Bear Mountains Silhouetted

Green Mountain and Bear Mountain are two popular hiking destinations located in Boulder, Colorado. Both mountains offer stunning views of the surrounding area and are popular with hikers, trail runners, and mountain bikers. Green Mountain is located in the western foothills of Boulder and has an elevation of 8,148 feet (2,484 meters). It is known […]

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a dirt path in the middle of a forest

Capturing Elevation and Elegance: 8,148’ Green Mountain Amidst the Flatirons

A breathtaking scene unfolds in this picture, showcasing a majestic Green mountain reaching 8,148 feet into the sky. Its peaks are crowned with lush foliage, creating a vibrant tapestry against the azure backdrop. The renowned Flatirons stand gracefully in the foreground, their distinctive slant captivating the eye. These iconic rock formations, sculpted by time, add […]

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Faces of Boulder – Pic of the Day – Jeff

Jeff’s favorite smoothie is filled with every kind of berry he can find in his kitchen. His most recent smoothie included strawberries, bananas, blueberries, raspberries, kale, spinach, chia seeds, and peanut butter. As a recent transplant from Minnesota, this dude is passionate about getting out there and talking to everybody we meet on the trail…for at […]

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8 Easy Mountains to Summit in Boulder

Despite winter approaching, there will still be many beautiful days for hiking. While you may not be ready for a winter Fourteener, I think you can definitely summit some of these super close beautiful mountains with amazing views. Just be sure to bring your crampons! Although some of these trails at the right time you […]

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Outdoor Pic of the Day – Boulder Flatirons with Green & Bear Mountains

Early morning photo of the Boulder Flatirons with Green and Bear mountains. The Flatirons are a group of rock formations in the western United States, in Boulder, Colorado, that are made up of flatirons and other irregular shapes. A group of five huge, numbered Flatirons may be found on the east slope of Green Mountain, […]

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