  Thursday - September 19th, 2024

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Predictors of Heart Disease You Might Not Know

We all know the risk factors for heart disease – using tobacco, high cholesterol, high blood pressure, poor diet, sedentary lifestyle. These risks get a lot of play in the media, because they have been identified as circumstances that can lead to narrowed or blocked blood vessels, the precursors to heart attack, stroke and other […]

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Cannabis Health Quick Fix

Welcome to Cannabis Health Quick Fix, where every week we explore fast facts about cannabis! For the first installment, let’s talk weed and working out. Did you know? A marijuana high and what’s known as “runner’s high” (that amazing feeling you get when you’re flooded with endorphins during exercise) are not so different. It turns […]

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3 Events to squeeze in before April

The end of March is already here, and somehow it felt like it went by even quicker than February.  Before we say goodbye to March and head towards the springtime in April, let’s take a look at some last minute events to squeeze in before the month is out.   The Five “Mother Sauces” Cooking […]

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Calling Dr. A.I.

What if a device could give you proper health advice based on your age and weight? Amazon, the American electronic commerce and cloud computing company, has launched a new KidsMD skill that can help parents decide to call a doctor on symptoms like fever, cough, headache, rash, vomiting, sore throat, diarrhea, fatigue or shortness of breath.  […]

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Grocery Store Strategies

March is National Nutrition Month and this year’s theme, Put Your Best Fork Forward, is an opportunity to improve your eating habits by improving your overall habits.  Have you ever noticed that when there is an abundance of choices it is harder to make a good one?  That’s because we have less stress about decision […]

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What’s in a Name? That Which We Call a Cannabis Plant

Bodies, right? They’re amazing. They’re weird. Fantastic. Puzzling. Beautiful. Gross. (I had to throw that last one in there because of the toddler-led education on bodily functions I’ve received over the last three years. #momlife) Bodies have been around so long that the names of all their parts have seemingly always been just the names […]

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Ask Your Doctor if the TB12 Nutrition Plan is Right for You

On Sunday, the New England Patriots pulled off an incredible come-from-behind victory over the Atlanta Falcons.  Much has been made of quarterback Tom Brady and his amazing performance as an athlete at what, for most athletes, would be the twilight of their careers.  Love him or hate him at 39, Brady’s performance does not seem […]

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Three events you weren’t aware of this week

Another week, another look into events in Boulder you probably weren’t aware of.  Let’s not waste any time and dig right in and see what you might be up to in the coming days. 1.These two authors will be speaking about, and doing signings, for their new books on the 10th at our very own […]

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Repeal of the Affordable Care Act Affects Us All

If you haven’t heard about the current Congress’ plans to repeal the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare, you may have been hiding under a rock.  The Congressional Budget Office (CBO), a federal agency of the US government that provides budget and economic information to Congress, recently released a report outlining the anticipated consequences of repealing […]

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Ditch the 2017 Resolution

People don’t  make resolutions and then spring into lasting action. Behavior change researcher James Prochaska and others (link is external) have written about how people actually change — in stages. The actual behavior change, like starting to exercise, or going on a diet, is not the first stage of change, but rather comes after contemplating a change and then preparing […]

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