  Monday - September 16th, 2024

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Is Cooperative Living Illegal in Boulder?

Last night, a new movement launched at Boulder City Council advocating for housing policies that support affordable housing and cooperative living. The city of Boulder has an occupancy ordinance that limits the number of “unrelated” adults living in a single-family home to a maximum of three or four. This means that if a house has […]

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Faces of Boulder- Pic of the Day!

Meet Leo! Leo is currently a senior at the University of Colorado and is looking forward to graduating in May! He just moved into a new place off Pearl and was enjoying his walk home after class. Leo has taken a few anthropology classes, however has found his love lies in the studio arts.  He […]

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How Boulder Manages its Greek Life

CU Boulder is infamous for being a party school, which is partly due to the presence of associated Greek Letter Organizations (GLOs). But there are many beneficial aspects to these organizations which cannot be neglected. Today is Bid day for the sorority houses around CU’s campus so let’s take a look at the relationship between CU, […]

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Faces of Boulder- Pic of the Day!

Meet Mae! Mae is currently a high school student and was out on Pearl street today testing out her photography skills!  She is enrolled in a photography class and is exclusively shooting on black and white film.  She is particularly interested in photo journalism when thinking of using her knowledge of photography in the future. […]

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8 Budget-Friendly Activities for New Boulder Students

There are hundreds of items to recommend for Boulder newcomers. Since it’s move-in season for freshman I’ll focus on some budget friendly Boulder activities. This list has some obvious activities, and maybe some a new resident wouldn’t know about. Whip out that calendar, and let’s get started. 1. Welcomefest (free for students) August 22 @ 5:30pm I know how […]

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Faces of Boulder- Pic of the Day!

Meet Jack!  Jack is a Colorado native hailing from just south of Denver.  He decided to go to the University of Colorado to pursue an Astronomy degree with a Geology minor; but over time changed his mind to double major in Astrophysics and Geophysics!  Jack is mostly interested in studying geology of bodies in our […]

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Faces of Boulder- Pic of the Day!

Meet Mark and Ethan! They both work at Rush Bowls and were enjoying some down time after the lunch rush.  Ethan is a student at Boulder High about to enter his junior year.  When thinking about college, Ethan thinks CU will be the best bet.  “It’s the best option, and I love Boulder I wouldn’t […]

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Is Boulder’s Opposition to Discount Retail Valid?

After years of trying to worm their way into Boulder, Wal*Mart finally made it in the form of the “Neighborhood Market”. But why was it so difficult for Boulder to accept the Wal*Mart subsidiary in the first place? Despite the wealth of Boulder, no city escapes the effects of recessions, nor simple aging. I wrote an […]

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Faces of Boulder- Pic of the Day!

Meet Mike and Harvey! Mike just graduated from CU in December with degrees in Sustainable Energy and Italian.  But he has moved on to his next big adventure; Harvey.  Harvey is a four month old Husky and was learning to swim today in Boulder Creek! They both were enjoying the water on this sunny day […]

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Faces of Boulder- Pic of the Day!

Meet Livie!  Livie just graduated from the University of Colorado with a Psychology degree! She currently works as a hostess at the Egg and I and also at a research lab on campus that looks at different things that contribute to psychosis.  The lab focuses on studying youth at risk for developing psychosis (i.e. schizophrenia and […]

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Boulder Colorado Air Quality

A Day on Boulder Creek

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