Tuesday - April 23, 2024

Posts Tagged With ‘ well-being ’


Access to Green Space is a Predictor of Well-being

February 16th, 2024

People often struggle to find ways to preserve health and happiness when they live in stress-inducing urban environments. Recent research suggests parks have a unique capacity to enhance physical health and foster a sense of community for city dwellers. A study published in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine and the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, used information from the Gallup-Healthways Well-being Index, the U.S. sensus Bureau, and a variety of other sources and combined this analysis with city-level data on park quantity, quality and accessibility... Read More

Eat Your Way To Health & Beauty

June 17th, 2014

Eat Your Way To Health & Beauty  There is an essential connection between what you eat and how you look.  The word “beauty” originated from the Latin root of “bonus” which means “good”.  An appetite for beauty perpetuates health.  This is one of our sacred blessings, which is why many people pray or give thanks before eating. One of our greatest attributes is our ability for self healing.  This is an ongoing day-to-day physical process that many of us are unaware of unless we have an injury or a disease.  Cultivating and appreciating our own beauty and the beauty in others... Read More