  Saturday - September 7th, 2024

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Surviving the Boulder Summer Heat: Staying Cool at the Gym, Pools, and Outdoor Events

Pool for cool or for a place to melt? It can be either. Even in the water we are being cooked in the microwave we call the “sun.”

As the temperatures rise, the summer heat can pose serious dangers, especially when engaging in physical activities. It’s crucial to prioritize staying cool and avoiding heat-related illnesses such as heatstroke. Whether you’re hitting the gym, heading to the pool, or attending outdoor events, knowing the best cooling options and strategies can make a significant difference in your well-being.

Staying Cool at the Gym

When braving the HOT weather to work out at the gym, it’s essential to be aware of the potential risks associated with exercising in high temperatures. To beat the heat and reduce the risk of heatstroke, choose a gym with proper air conditioning or fans. Additionally, wearing moisture-wicking and breathable fabrics can help regulate your body temperature and minimize discomfort. Modern fabric DOES work better!

Another effective way to stay cool at the gym is to hydrate adequately. Bring a reusable water bottle and sip on cold water throughout your workout. Furthermore, taking frequent breaks in cooler areas of the gym can prevent overheating and exhaustion. Lastly, consider using a wet hat or bandana to keep your head cool while exercising, as the head is a primary area for heat dissipation. A soaked hat can feel marvelous. Good and good for you! For the pool outside there are “swim shirts” which block some of the harmful sun’s rays. Putting on a shirt to protect yourself from the sun and heat seems counter-intuitive, and is a marvelous path to survival!

Surviving the Summer Heat: Staying Cool at the Gym, Pools, and Outdoor Events

Staying Cool at the Pools

Swimming and relaxing by the pool are popular ways to beat the summer heat, but it’s crucial to take precautions to avoid the dangers of excessive sun exposure. Apply a waterproof sunscreen with a high SPF to protect your skin from harmful UV rays, and reapply it frequently, especially after swimming. Additionally, seek shade intermittently to give your body a break from direct sunlight and prevent overheating.

One of the best cooling options at the pool is to take a dip in the water frequently. Submerging yourself in the pool helps lower your body temperature and provides instant relief from the heat. Remember to stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water, as swimming can be deceptively exhausting and lead to dehydration. Finally, wearing a wet hat or using a portable misting fan can offer extra relief from the intense heat, ensuring a more enjoyable poolside experience.

Surviving the Summer Heat: Staying Cool at the Gym, Pools, and Outdoor Events

Staying Cool at Outdoor Events

Attending outdoor events during scorching temperatures requires proactive measures to prevent heat-related issues. To stay cool and comfortable, dress in lightweight, white or light-colored, and loose-fitting clothing to reflect the sunlight and allow better air circulation around your body. Bringing a portable personal fan or a handheld water sprayer can provide instant cooling and relief from the heat.

Moreover, it’s crucial to prioritize hydration when spending time outdoors. Carry a refillable water bottle and consume chilled beverages to lower your body temperature and replenish fluids lost through sweating. Remember that in our desert environment with humidity levels approaching 17%, you will not sweat. The sweat will evaporate as soon as it hits the air. Sweat serves a cooling purpose, since it cools when it evaporates. Additionally, taking regular breaks in shaded areas and using a wet hat or bandana to keep your head cool can significantly reduce the risk of heat exhaustion and help you enjoy the outdoor festivities safely. Walking? Walk slowly! Moses is not said to have jogged across the dessert! There is simply no reason to rush today. There are many reasons to respect the heat and to take your time. Even short periods of time under the blazing sun can burn the skin, overheat the head and body, and wreck havoc on the body’s systems. Avoid metal surfaces! A metal railing in the sun can brand you if you don’t avoid it. Even car steering wheels can get so hot you can’t touch them.

Navigating the HOT summer weather while staying active requires a proactive approach to staying cool and avoiding heat-related dangers. Whether you’re at the gym, pools, or outdoor events, being mindful of cooling options such as wet hats, staying hydrated, and seeking shade can make all the difference in preventing heatstroke and ensuring a pleasant and safe experience. By implementing these strategies, you can beat the heat and make the most of the summer season.

Keep in mind the long list of indoor options, ranging from movies to malls to museums. Libraries, are havens of cool! Remember that a LIGHT cotton shirt and LIGHT cotton pants, both in white, are cooler than jeans or even shorts!

Please be careful out there. It will be truly dangerously hot today and perhaps tomorrow. I can joke about almost everything, and 100 degrees F, 38 degrees C is not a joke. We CAN find humor in heat, but the heat is not a  joke.

Lenny Lensworth Frieling

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