  Sunday - October 6th, 2024

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Does a Boulder Rain Put out a Wildfire?

We think of rain as putting out wildfires. Is it true?

Rain can help extinguish wildfires, but its effectiveness depends on various factors:

Intensity and Duration: Light or short-duration rain might not be sufficient to extinguish large wildfires. Heavy, prolonged rainfall is more effective in reducing fire intensity and spread.

Fuel Moisture: Rain increases the moisture content of vegetation, making it less flammable and slowing the spread of the fire.

Fire Size and Intensity: Smaller and less intense fires are more likely to be extinguished by rain. Large, intense wildfires might require substantial rainfall over an extended period to be put out.

Environmental Conditions: Wind and temperature also play significant roles. Rain combined with cooler temperatures and reduced wind can significantly help in controlling and extinguishing wildfires.

While rain can aid firefighting efforts,

it is often not the sole solution, and additional measures, such as firefighting personnel and equipment, are usually required.

Lenny Lensworth Frieling

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