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Psychic Surgery In Boulder: Hoax or Hurrah? Horror or Holistic Healing?

Should Boulder MDs be trained in med school in the art of “psychic surgery?” My conclusion is that “yes, this should be offered as an elective in medical school.”  I see no downside, while I see a vast array of possible benefits to the treating physicians as well as to the patients. Why would I say something so possibly outlandish on its face? I’m glad you asked. AGAIN I do NOT suggest that this approach is a substitute for conventional medical treatment. I am suggesting that as an adjunct to conventional medicine, the benefits far outweigh the risks to this layperson!

What do I mean by “psychic surgery?” I am referring to incorporating healing techniques which have been around far longer than modern medicine. I am NOT suggesting that these ancient methods are a substitute to modern medicine. I am suggesting that in the same way that the placebo effect is very real, and that it does improve outcomes when used properly, various “psychic healing” techniques offer similar potential benefits with a similar lack of downsides. Keep in mind that I am NOT offering medical advice, I am NOT licensed to practice medicine, and do not hold myself out as suggesting anything as a substitute for conventional medical treatment. I am however suggesting that as an adjunct to conventional medicine, this added level of treatment incorporating an added level of positive attitude by the patient and by the treating medical people offers possible benefits with little or no downside.

We already know that a patient’s attitude towards treatment has a significant impact on successful outcomes. Many believe that the treating medical staff’s attitude also has a significant impact on successful outcomes.

The basic techniques that I’m suggesting be offered as an elective in medical school are built around methods which have been used for millennia to facilitate healing. Am I talking about witch doctor medicine? Well yes, sort of.

I am suggesting that focused meditation, what I would like to see offered as a class in med school, can improve outcomes. I see this as a adjunct to the medical skills, knowledge and approaches that would be brought to bear in any event.

Athletes have used visualization methodology to enhance performance with great success. Coaches have used similar approaches to aid their athletes in achieving improved performance. I suggest that the same is true for medical staff. For example, I believe that a doctor will do better work if a procedure, surgical or otherwise, is given a meditational practice before the performance of the actual procedure. A positive outcome can be visualized before any treatment is administered once emergent issues are dealt with. Personally I would not be happy about being treated by a doc that did not or could not visualize a positive outcome before treating me. I would be suspicious of and unhappy with a doc that was unwilling or unable to visualize a positive outcome. “What the mind can perceive, the mind can achieve.” In contrast, “what the mind cannot perceive, the mind might struggle with actually achieving!”

Lenny Lensworth Frieling

Shared Knowledge Is Power!


Leonard Frieling Pen Of Justice
  • Multi-published and syndicated blogger and author.
  • University lectures at University. of Colorado, Boulder, Denver University Law School, Univ. of New Mexico, Las Vegas NM, and many other schools at all levels. Numerous lectures for the NORML Legal Committee
  • Former Judge
  • Media work, including episodes of Fox’s Power of Attorney, well in excess of many hundreds media interviews, appearances, articles, and podcasts, including co-hosting Time For Hemp for two years.
  • Life Member, NORML Legal Committee, Distinguished Counsel Circle.
  • Photographer of the Year, AboutBoulder 2023
  • First Chair and Originator of the Colorado Bar Association’s Cannabis Law Committee, a National first.
  • Previous Chair, Boulder Criminal Defense Bar (8 years)
  • Twice chair Executive Counsel, Colorado Bar Association Criminal Law Section
  • Life Member, Colorado Criminal Defense Bar
  • Board Member Emeritus, Colorado NORML, and prior chair during legalization, as well as pre and post legalization
  • Chair, Colorado NORML, 7 years including during the successful effort to legalize recreational pot in Colorado
  • Senior Counsel Emeritus to the Boulder Law firm Dolan + Zimmerman LLP : (720)-610-0951
  • Board member, Author, and Editor for Criminal Law Articles for the Colorado Lawyer, primary publication of the Colorado Bar Assoc. 7 Years, in addition to having 2 Colorado Lawyer cover photos, and numerous articles for the Colorado Lawyer monthly publication.
  • http://www.Lfrieling.com
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