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To BEE or Not To BEE. That Is The Question

As This Boulder  Honeybee Travels From Flower to Flower, It Collects pollen. The Pollen is the Large “Orange” Pouch Under The Hindquarters. Photo Lenny Lensworth Frieling

Photo Lenny Lensworth Frieling

Whether it is hive collapse or some other challenge to our bee population, our very existence relies upon the health of our pollinators  worldwide.

Let’s look at two things about bees that are scary. One should not be scary absent a bee allergy, and the other is truly horrorshow scary. What is overrated as being scary is the fear of being bitten by a honeybee. While wasps and yellow jackets are aggressive carnivores, and can bite repeatedly, honey bees get ONE single sting for a lifetime, and using that sting kills the bee. Sabouto they do not want to use up that “all in” option. Absent a bee allergy, generally we can choose to either enjoy watching the honeybees, or we can get close and take pictures.

If a bee flies into you, it will bounce off, literally. Then it will repeat the bounce-try again flight pattern. They are literally making a “bee line” towards something. All we must do is step aside! Bee stings happen when someone (the bee or the person) screws up. A bee gets under your shirt and you unknowingly squeeze it under your arm. You get stung. Since the bee leaves behind the stinger and the attached internal bee parts, the stinger may need removing with a tweezers.

Honeybees, belonging to the genus Apis, are some of the most significant pollinators in our ecosystems. These industrious insects play a vital role in the pollination of numerous plant species, including many crops that are essential to human agriculture. Honeybees not only contribute to complex, biodiverse ecosystems but also significantly impact the global economy and food supply.Photo Lenny Lensworth Frielng

Lensworth Pic

In recent years, honeybee populations have faced increasing pressure, leading to concerns over hive collapse, also known as Colony Collapse Disorder (CCD). This phenomenon involves the sudden disappearance of worker bees from a hive, leaving behind the queen, food, and a few nurse bees. While the exact cause of CCD is not entirely understood, factors such as pesticides, loss of habitat, climate change, and diseases have been implicated. Pesticides, in particular, are believed to weaken the bees’ immune system, making them more susceptible to diseases and parasites like the Varroa mite.

The impact of declining bee populations extends far beyond the hives. As pollinators, bees are crucial for the reproduction of many plants. About one-third of the food that we consume each day relies on pollination mainly by bees. This includes fruits, vegetables, and nuts, contributing to a diverse and nutritious diet. Without bees, many of these plants would fail to reproduce, leading to a decrease in crop yields and potentially higher food prices. Pic Lensworth

The importance of honeybees underscores the need for conservation efforts to protect and sustain bee populations. This includes reducing the use of harmful pesticides, planting bee-friendly gardens, and supporting sustainable agriculture practices. Preserving honeybee populations is not just about saving a single species; it’s about maintaining the health and balance of entire ecosystems and ensuring food security for future generations.

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