  Saturday - February 15th, 2025

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Visit Blair’s Herbals Booth at Boulder Farmer’s Market!

Boulder Business

Blair braved the snowstorm at this past Saturday’s farmer’s market in Boulder!

If you care about what goes inside your body, chances are, you’re a regular at the Boulder Farmer’s Market! The market is loaded with local farmers and fresh produce. But do you equally care what goes on your body? You should, and that is where Blair’s Herbals comes into play!

This is Blair’s Herbals fifth season at the Boulder Farmer’s Market, and owner Blair Chandler was very excited to share information about some of her new offerings this season.

You can now purchase travel kits and fusion bags, which are tea bags filled with sea salts and flower petals for baths.

“Fusion bags meet the needs of my customers, who have told me they love to soak in their tub with these bath salts and flowers, but don’t want to have to clean up the tub afterward,” Chandler said.

Also new this season is Chandler’s own version of a CSA, “Care of Self Always.” She explained that each week, you can pay $20 at the market and receive a bag, to remind you of your self-care ritual and the importance of it. Each week will be different, whether it’s a bath salt, a sacred body oil or an eye pillow.

Chandler spent the winter months partaking in a lot of research and development for her company, with new branding, labels, products and more, to really stand out this spring. She is amped up!

What makes Blair’s Herbals stand out from other vendors and natural care products, in my opinion, is the way she cares for the herbs in her own backyard garden. She grows the herbs in small batches, using only high-quality, organic ingredients, and then she sings to them, gives them Reiki energy, and fills them with love.

“I make these products with love and intention because I want to know what I put on my body, that’s something I can feel great about, and part of my healing journey is making decisions that support my life force,” Chandler explained.

Chandler first came into this line of work because her heart. Her doctor told her that she had to take control of her health, and suddenly, she couldn’t rely on someone else to tell her what to do anymore. It was an empowering moment that led to the creation of Blair’s Herbals.

Chandler started attending herbalist classes and an herb school in Boulder twenty years ago. As a mom, it began as a way to know exactly what she was putting in and on her body, and she wanted what was best for her family. Then she got the herbal crafting bug, and it has since gone beyond her family to reach the entire community.

“I get to meet a lot of amazing people at the market, and I love when people come back and tell me how much they love one of my products, and how much it has helped them,” Chandler said. “It feeds my soul, and it has made the market my second home!”

Chandler’s personal favorite products are her bath salts, which she takes morning or nightly soaks with, and her sacred body oils for meditation, groundedness and self-love. My favorite products of Blair’s are her lip balms, and I plan to soon try out a dream pillow or herbal sachet for better sleep!

If you want to learn more about Blair’s Herbals, pay her booth a visit at next Saturday’s farmer’s market! Until then, read more about her and her products at blairsherbals.com, where you can also view her schedule of upcoming herbal workshops.


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