  Friday - July 26th, 2024

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Pic of the Day

Boulder’s Chief Niwot Has A Face!!! A Picture of Niwot?

To me, this is as exciting as breaking the story of Watergate. To Boulder Valley, this is the discovery of a real missing link in Boulder history, a picture of Chief Niwot (almost). Santa Fe is home to photographer-artist Dona Bollard. Dona was declared the Best 2D Artist at the Boulder Art Fest. The competition […]

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Faces Of Boulder: Pic Of The Day!

  Ozni,”Ozzy” has given his  stamp and smile of approval to Boulder Ice Cream! Boulder DOES have something for every three year old! In some situations Boulder has something above and beyond. This smile could provide us with solar power for months with its glow!

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Boulder’s Banded Clouds!

Notice the higher banded clous and then the lower cumulus rounded clouds. It was the contrast between the two and the heavy banding that caught my attention. Taken from a red light through the windshield, a technique I do NOT recommend and which I would not admit. There are some basic rules (which have exception) […]

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Boulder’s Motivation Monday: Our Spring Palette Unveiled!

‘Tis the season to smell the Boulder flowers! While flower pics may cheer us during short winter days, it is hard to compete with the beauty and fragrance of lilacs in the Spring. Lilacs are in full bloom, and the perfume permeates the Boulder air. Flowering trees astonish us with the sheer mass of their […]

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Featured Boulder Bloodhound: Dog of the Day

  Bloodhound Backed by the Continental Divide. A 5′ 1.5 meter snow had just fallen. The Ears Are HUGE!                       pic Lenny Lensworth Frieling   Boulder‘s Simon (Spanish, pronounced “SeeMow” is full-blooded papered bloodhound. The original owners were so surprised by how large the pup got. They were caught off guard by the amount of […]

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Motivated Boulder Couple: Strolling into the Sunset

  After an invigorating Boulder Motivational Monday, a couple decided to cap off their day with an evening stroll, their loyal dog in tow. The sun had just begun its descent, painting the sky in hues of orange and pink, casting a warm glow over the city’s unique landscape. They chose their favorite path, one […]

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Boulder’s Dog of the Day!

Having a dog is undeniably beneficial for one’s overall well-being in numerous ways. Firstly, dogs provide unwavering companionship and unconditional love, which can greatly improve an individual’s mental health. Their presence can alleviate feelings of loneliness and depression, as they offer constant support and a listening ear without judgment. Secondly, owning a dog encourages regular […]

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Boulder’s Outdoor Pic of the Day – National Center for Atmospheric Research

The National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) is a federally supported research and development center (FFRDC) in the United States that is run by the nonprofit University Corporation for Atmospheric Research (UCAR) and funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF). NCAR has a number of locations, including the Mesa Laboratory headquarters in Boulder, Colorado, which […]

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A Day on Boulder Creek

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