  Thursday - September 19th, 2024

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About Boulder

Boulder Giving, its about Community.

  Philanthropy is such a hot topic these days, from Mark Zuckerberg’s major contribution to the Silicon Valley Community Foundation, to the #BoulderWin of GNIP and Twitter which will benefit all of Boulder County. But philanthropy is not just about monetary contributions, it’s about the time and effort that individuals put back into their community which […]

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Coffee Matters: The Geography of the Bean

Coffee is deeply imbedded in many people’s daily routines and personal rituals. For many coffee drinkers, coffee is more about convenience or comfort and less about complexities of taste or particulars in trade. Usually when you’re drinking a cup of coffee, you’re probably not thinking of all the steps taken by numerous individuals to bring […]

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The Business of Third Wave Coffee

The phrase “third wave coffee” sounds inflated but it’s a term that best sums up the current trend that many coffee companies are invested in. Many independent coffee shops care about the nuanced flavors of different regional or varietal beans so they buy beans, or roast their own, from domestic companies which use roasting methods that […]

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Rivaling the Pumpkin Patch: Your Family’s Other Fall Must-do

“Mom, what are we going to do today?” Oh, the question, a favorite of children, always arriving much too early…particularly on a day that is open and unfettered, free of soccer games, work, and school. My daughter greets me every Sunday morning this way, nestling next to me as I’m merely contemplating the idea of […]

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Intro to Third Wave Coffee: The Tides of America’s Caffeinated Culture

As a former barista and current coffee enthusiast, I regularly find myself talking to others about coffee. In the coffee discourse, my aim is to promote the ideals of third wave coffee without sounding grandiose. A label that is often met with eye-rolls and associated with shallow trendiness, “third wave coffee” is actually an extensive […]

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Eight Tips for Incoming Freshmen from a Seasoned CU Vet

So, you’ve just started school at the University of Colorado at Boulder. Congrats! You’re in for the best four (or maybe more) years of your life, which you’re likely to have trouble remembering. Here are eight tips from a current CU senior to help you new Buffs out as you navigate CU: 1) Dealing with […]

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Faces of Boulder – Evan

  Meet Evan! Evan works for Enigma Escape Rooms on Pearl Street. Escape rooms lock you in a themed room for an hour while you and your group scour the room for clues to find your way out. Stop by 1426 Pearl Street any day Wednesday through Sunday and see if you can find your […]

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Boulder Colorado Air Quality

A Day on Boulder Creek

Featured Boulder Song

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