Tuesday - April 23, 2024

Posts Tagged With ‘ pet owners ’


An Older Adult’s Guide to Caring for Pets

July 23rd, 2023

Whether it’s a cat or dog, pets make our lives better. This is especially true for older adults, but it can be tough to know how to choose and care for a new pet. If you’re a senior who wants to enrich your life with a new pet, you’ll want to keep these essential tips in mind. Choosing the Right Pet As an older adult, you should keep your lifestyle in mind when looking for a new pet. Think about the space you have at home and what animal will fit in with your routine. Cats are generally low-maintenance and are a good option for people with limited activity. If you’ve always dreamed of... Read More

How Dog Owners Can Make Moving Day Go Smoothly

June 20th, 2020

For many homeowners, moving day comes with a lot of stress. There’s just so much to plan for and so many little details to take care of that it can be difficult to face it with a calm and clear mind. When you have pets to worry about at the same time, it can be overwhelming. Even if your dog is well-behaved and has no health issues, there’s still the fear that he’ll get lost or injured during all the activity on moving day. Not only that, but many animals become anxious when faced with big changes, which can affect their behavior, appetite, and sleep cycle. Fortunately, there are several... Read More