  Thursday - September 19th, 2024

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Articles by: Leonard Frieling

a golden statue of a roman soldier

The Stoned Munchies: Fabulous Food With Solid Science!

Have you ever wondered whether cannabis actually makes Boulderites hungry? Is there any “real” science to support the “stoned munchies?” As we have always known, the answer is a resounding “YES!” Diet control as to timing, choices, and quantities are key to good health and to feeling good. And the latest science confirms that in […]

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harry potter, castle, hogwarts

AboutBoulder’s Mascot Fido Welcomes FANG!

Our AboutBoulder mascot Fido, for Fido Friday, has invited FANG, from Harry Potter’s world, to join us. FANG is a Neapolitan Mastiff. FANG Of Harry Potter Fame Is A Neapolitan Mastiff. They can be 150-200 pounds, 90 kilograms. The Neapolitan Mastiff, known for its impressive size and distinctive wrinkled skin, is a breed that commands […]

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To BEE or Not To BEE. That Is The Question

As This Boulder  Honeybee Travels From Flower to Flower, It Collects pollen. The Pollen is the Large “Orange” Pouch Under The Hindquarters. Photo Lenny Lensworth Frieling Photo Lenny Lensworth Frieling Whether it is hive collapse or some other challenge to our bee population, our very existence relies upon the health of our pollinators  worldwide. Let’s […]

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Sundown Thursday Sunrise

  As always, the lighting on the mountains  and the lighting on clouds is never the same. If we insist on being technical, this is a sunrise, not a sunset. BUT I love the image. And if a reader were to see this in the morning, Friday morning for example, then we’d have the sun […]

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Dogs For Thor? Norse God With Puppies? Perhaps Not! GOATS!

We know I am a tad crazy. Along that train of thought, today’s Featured Dog is a pair of GOATS! I suppose that since Rocky Mountain Goats are not goats at all, but are instead bovines, it makes sense that a pair of goats could substitute for a dog, at least for a Thursday! Why […]

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Great Blue Thursday Boulder and Florida Herons

Osprey While the Great Blue Heron seems at home in Southern Florida, it has always seemed to me to be a summer bird visiting Boulder. One of the Great Blues must have visited some years ago, and has forever returned. Niwot’s Curse in action! When Boulderites travel, which we do frequently, we take cameras! We […]

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dog sitting in front of book

Guiding with Grace: A Guide Dog’s Blog of Sights and Sniffs

Seeing Eye-dogs, or guide dogs, have always fascinated me, and I suspect have also fascinated many of my fellow Boulderites. Their work seems impossible. The training is inconceivable. All in all, while the end result is wonderful, it is quite obvious that this is all fiction. It is of course IMPOSSIBLE to really train a […]

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Never Longs Gone, Late Sunrise on Longs Peak

Let’s open with an early sunrise picture, and then progress to Longs a little later in the morning. I have observed that even after 49 years of seeing Longs Peak and the front range/divide, it never looks the same. The light changes. The clouds change. The mountains uplift (although that does not change much day-to-day), […]

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Seven Most Respected Electric Dogs (I MEAN GUITARS) in Boulder

Jeff Beck could certainly make a Fender Stratocaster bark. One player could make the “e” string “walk the dog” in the classic yoyo move.  A guitar played by a PLAYER can play a lick that can lick your face and leave you wanting more. With that rationalization for posting a guitar article in place of […]

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Lessons of AI

In Boulder as everywhere, AI as a tool is one of the most important topics in current academic discussion. It represents a paradigm shift in the world as we know it. The magic in the interplay of artist and AI is in how the human asks the questions. Once again, it is the challenge of […]

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