  Friday - June 21st, 2024

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Boulder Gem Crowned TripAdvisor’s #1 Cheap Eats Spot: A Student’s Dream Come True

The term “cheap eats” emerged as a way to describe affordable dining options that offer good value for money. It gained popularity due to the increasing demand for budget-friendly meals, particularly in college towns like Boulder, Colorado. These towns have a large population of students who often face financial constraints and limited resources, making inexpensive […]

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Getting Set for BolderBoulder

There’s a reason that every year, over 50,000 people flock to Boulder, Colorado to run 6.2 miles. It might have something to do with the fact that Boulder is an awesome city or maybe some folks enjoy a bit of fitness every once in a while… But mostly I think it’s because they know that […]

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6 Weird and Unique Boulder Laws

When oddly specific things become public problems, local legislation steps in to help. Today we will look at a few odds and ends Boulder city laws had to smooth out over the years. Hopefully we will boost today’s water cooler conversations. Nobody Owns Fifi Dogs in Boulder do not have “owners” according to any public ordinances. […]

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Love & CU Boulder ~ Valentine’s Day Date Ideas

Consider this: As a student we have four years of meeting an absurd amount of people from all across the US, and even more so, from all across the world. It seems that there has always and will always be varying opinions over whether or not being in a relationship during the four short years […]

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The CU Celebrity Scene Timeline

CU Boulder is the home to, and birthplace of, many “celebrities”. I use the word celebrity loosely because some of the successful and well-known people who have sprung from the University of Colorado work behind the scenes and not in front of the camera. The list of CU successes is a large one, consisting of scholarly […]

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Faces of Boulder ~ Pic of the Day!

Meet Natalie! Natalie is from Austin, Texas and is visiting her best friend in Boulder this week!  She is going to be a junior at St. Edward’s University this fall and is studying Business.  In addition to visiting her friend, Natalie says that she hasn’t stopped thinking of Larkburger since her last visit and cannot […]

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Faces of Boulder – Pic of the Day!

An Ebio major by day, slam dunk champion by night. Meet Mak, my neighbor and current SlamJampalooza winner. Mak moved to Colorado from Alaska to attend CU Boulder and hone his mini-hoop skills. Every opportunity he gets, Mak travels around the world to scuba dive and fish. If you were to ask Mak how he […]

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Looking Back: The CWA – The Conference on Everything Conceivable

This week in Boulder, from April 10th-14th, the University of Colorado hosts the CWA or the Conference for World Affairs. It is a week-long gathering featuring lectures from prominent leaders across the world, including keynote speaker David Newman– NASA’s deputy administer, NFL Player Chris Borland, and Debra Eschemeyer, former Policy Advisor for Michelle Obama’s nutritional […]

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