Introducing Boulderthropic – an investigation into generosity
Hello Boulder!
I am so excited to become a part of the team at About Boulder™. After meeting with founder of our company, it was obvious that we shared a passion for encouraging people to give back to their communities.
Towards that end I have joined the team as the Director of Giving. My first task is the creation of this blog, which I am calling: Boulderthropic. In this column I will set out to discover how local individuals, groups, companies and organizations are contributing to the wellbeing their fellow citizens, restoring the environment, contributing to the mind trust, and encouraging creativity. My goal: to fill each of our readers with the zeal and enthusiasm of giving, and increase the common weal via larger and larger gifts!
Philanthropy is in my blood, and I completed the Philanthropy 101 program of the Haas Business School at the University of California, at Berkeley. I’ve also attended the Fund Raising Schools of The Center for Philanthropy, and the Jewish Federation. I’ve worked for the giving programs of large corporations, and as a consultant to nonprofits to help them bring home the funds that allows them to do their good work.
Ann Landers once said, “Do your giving’ while you’re livin’…then you’ll be knowin’ where it’s goin’. I’ve always appreciated this sentiment, because I feel that a vital part of becoming an adult citizen is to pay attention to the needs of others, and to see what one can do to help them.
Boulder is one of those crazy places where thinking-out-of-the-box is the norm. Perhaps it’s the altitude, or the great beauty of the wilderness that surrounds our little town, but here in the heart of the Rockies giving back combines with just about everything imaginable. Here are just a few examples:
On Saturday, June 21, 2014 The HERA Women’s Cancer Foundation, a nationally recognized ovarian cancer nonprofit, will lead dozens of rock climbers and hikers through Boulder Canyon for its 8th Annual Climb4Life Colorado.
Climb4Life is a one-of-a-kind fundraising event that brings ovarian cancer survivors, their families and friends, and outdoor enthusiasts of all ages, abilities and skill levels together to rock climb, hike and raise funds for ovarian cancer research and awareness.
The IRONMAN Foundation provides athletes with the opportunity to race for a charity of their choice.More than 22,000 athletes compete in IRONMAN events throughout North America each year. Of course Boulder hosts a race, so mark August 3, 2014 down in your calendar to see some of the world’s best athletes ride for their cause!
Boulder is known for its entrepreneurial spirit, and local companies put their money where their heart is via the Entrepreneurs Foundation of Colorado (EFCO) Since its first member exit in 2008, EFCO has provided more than $2 million in community funding for Front Range area nonprofits, along with hundreds of hours of volunteer service.
So watch this blog to find out what your fellow citizens are doing. Discover the passions of those who are making a difference and sharing their wealth in Boulder. Perhaps you too will become a Boulder Giver!