  Saturday - February 15th, 2025

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25% of Americans Have Reached Breaking Point, Other 75% Say They’ll Get There Soon if Restrictions Continue

With restrictions remaining in place far longer than anyone expected, Americans are growing restless with the inability to get out and socialize. Already, over 25% of Americans surveyed said that they have reached their breaking point, citing the lack of sociability and frequent fights with family members contributing to stress.

The other 75% of Americans surveyed said they will reach their breaking point in about a month–and some cities have already stated that they may need to remain shut down into June.

Younger Americans appear to be especially susceptible to breaking down; 59% of surveyed Generation Zers said they expect to reach their breaking point after four weeks, and 80% said they can only handle another two months of lockdown. In all, more than a third (35%) of young adults ages 18-24 admit they’re at their wits’ end, versus 22% of those over 45.

Broken down by gender, women were almost twice as likely to have reached their breaking point than men, and the majority of women said they will reach their breaking point within a few weeks if restrictions continue.

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