  Saturday - September 21st, 2024

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The Inn Between

In Colorado it costs an average of over $43,000 per homeless person to be sheltered. At The Inn Between of Longmont it only costs $2,717 per individual to be housed and provided a pathway out of homelessness.

The Inn Between of Longmont is a supportive housing program that provides 72 units of supportive housing, case management and life-skills training to enhance the quality of life for homeless families and individuals.


Over the past several months we have tried to help others understand who we serve. The Inn defines homelessness in our community using the terms chronically homeless, episodic homelessness and the situational homelessness.   The Inn Between has traditionally worked with those who are facing episodic homelessness and situational homelessness. The chronically homeless are being served by other non-profits in our community.

  • Chronically Homeless: those living on the street, being sheltered and re-sheltered
  • Episodic Homelessness: those who are unable to sustain themselves falling back into homelessness
  • Situational Homelessness: those have experienced a crisis in their lives leading to homelessness

The overall goal for the Inn’s programs is for families, youth and individuals to transition from being homeless and working to becoming a contributing member of society. In 2015, the Inn served 237 individuals and 103 of which were children.

We provide services through 4 main programs including Transitional Supportive Housing, where individuals and families are provided housing for up to 24 months and pay 30% of income towards rent. Permanent Supportive Housing for disabled and elderly who are provided long-term housing which is subsidized through the Longmont Housing Authority. Emergency Housing in partnership with HOPE and the OUR Center and Supportive Teen Housing which provides 100% free housing for teens while they attend full-time school.


You can support the homeless teens of the Inn by attending their upcoming event “Get Fit, Be Fit Fest!” on July 23rd from 12:00pm-6:00pm at Thompson Park (420 Bross Street, Longmont CO 80501). You will get to meet some celebrities including the Bronco’s Cheerleaders!





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