  Tuesday - January 14th, 2025

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Kate Galt writes the Motivation Monday Blog for AboutBoulder.com.

Her mission is for those in relationship to be the best they can be to each other. If that’s not happening, it’s time for an overhaul.  As a Certified Relationship Coach, Kate Galt is known as the Breakup Expert because she understands the healthiest way out of heartache. The breakup transition is a HUGE change that takes an enormous amount of energy to overcome. If she can motivate, uplift, and guide men and women going through this devastating transition, she’s living her purpose.

Share these resources with your friends in need. Kate’s YouTube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/thebreakupexpert) is a five-star resource. Her Friday Night Broken Hearts Club (https://kategalt.com/webinar-registration/) is a free online meeting not to be missed. These tools provide tips and strategies to recover faster and start laughing again.

Kate hopes the Motivation Monday Blog inspires you to dream big and follow-up that dream with bold action!

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Motivational Monday: Out with the Old, in with the New!

As I contemplate what I would like to manifest, I have a few guidelines. These guidelines protect from overwhelm. They also help me organize my goals. Keep goals simple and measurable. Use a…

As I contemplate wha…

As I contemplate what I would like to manifest, I have a few guidelines. These guidelines protect from overwhelm. They also help me organize my goals. Keep goals simple and measurable. Use astrology and numerology, as it is easier to match up what comes easier with your effort. Make certain these goals align with your values – you want to take action in ways that are important to you. Make sure you are willing to do the work – don’t create a goal that your mom wants you to do. These are yours. You need to have the discipline and focus to stand behind them this entire year…

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How to Keep it Together

If you’re a perfectionist, like me, there’s a lot of computing, second-guessing, chaos-hating, and performance-loving energy put forth toward your best day possible. You put a lot of pressure on y…

If you’re a perfec…

If you’re a perfectionist, like me, there’s a lot of computing, second-guessing, chaos-hating, and performance-loving energy put forth toward your best day possible. You put a lot of pressure on yourself. It’s an inefficient way to use your precious energy. For years, the game was hustle and bustle. Work harder to reap more reward. I am not saying you don’t have to work hard once you’re enlightened. This kind of work takes a lifetime to apply. Each year of your life, you will notice a little more ease flowing through your body as you apply the principles I speak of in this blog. E…

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Motivational Monday

It’s the middle of the month, yes. Time feels hurried. My friends and I are over-busy. Stress level seems high. My emotional processor is jammed because I’m overstretched, but I’ve got goals, d…

It’s the middle of…

It’s the middle of the month, yes. Time feels hurried. My friends and I are over-busy. Stress level seems high. My emotional processor is jammed because I’m overstretched, but I’ve got goals, dreams, and life to live! What do you do when you want to stay motivated, but everything seems against you to actually produce anything but stress? I didn’t have time to plan this week, so it’s a topsy-turvy one. The question that begs to be answered - what do you do when the week falls apart? You don’t have time to catch up, and you’re basically in crisis mode. You’re concerned that n…

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Open Yourself Up
Motivation Monday

  “You’re off to great places, Today is your day. Your mountain is waiting, So get on your way!” -Dr. Suess Let’s talk about woo-woo today. I’m going to be more abstract than usual, bu…

  “You’re off t…

  “You’re off to great places, Today is your day. Your mountain is waiting, So get on your way!” -Dr. Suess Let’s talk about woo-woo today. I’m going to be more abstract than usual, but I want to dance in this critical topic. In circles of the community, I’ve been flabbergasted that the community rejected the idea of woo-woo. Definition? Woo-woo is what cannot be measured, an idea of spiritual forces that cheer us on to succeed. A magic in the air that aligns our outer life with our inner feelings, desires, and motivations. I’ve heard much judgment and denial about ho…

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Motivational Monday

There are many ways to keep it together on the inside. Find ways to be silly, as you keep your sense of humor. Share silly things on your mind with friends and family, so your loved ones have permissi…

There are many ways …

There are many ways to keep it together on the inside. Find ways to be silly, as you keep your sense of humor. Share silly things on your mind with friends and family, so your loved ones have permission to stay silly with you. Life doesn’t have to be serious. A grief counselor friend tells me all the time how silly humans get, when we are literally on our deathbed. It’s not the drugs! It’s the way we come to an understanding that we have been way to serious in our lives, or that our lives are short, so why not laugh. Don’t wait. Be silly now. Silly doesn’t mean you’re disrespectful…

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Motivation Monday

Your body is way different from your mind. Your mind has an agenda. Your mind calculates, judges, and recalculates. It’s a busy machine that isn’t always your best friend. Your body is always your…

Your body is way dif…

Your body is way different from your mind. Your mind has an agenda. Your mind calculates, judges, and recalculates. It’s a busy machine that isn’t always your best friend. Your body is always your best friend, and you’ll teach your mind to be your best friend in the next chapter. But realize here that your body doesn’t lie. Sit still and listen to the requests your body makes before they are cries. Sit still and be with this miracle so you can understand how it talks to you. Does it need to eat very first thing in the morning, but you’re going on a run instead? Does it need to lay…

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motivation monday kate galt
Motivation Monday – Routine is the Key to a Happy Life

It’s Monday again. The sun rises an hour earlier for us, in Boulder, Colorado. As a morning person, I favor the morning, and I want you to favor the early morning because it’s a time of seeing and…

It’s Monday again.…

It’s Monday again. The sun rises an hour earlier for us, in Boulder, Colorado. As a morning person, I favor the morning, and I want you to favor the early morning because it’s a time of seeing and actualizing great potential. I hope you have taken advantage of the time change and moved your wake-up time one hour earlier to max out those potent morning hours. If you haven’t, it’s not too late to move your bedtime earlier, in 15-minute increments, each day. By next Monday, you’ll have easily reached your goal. Let’s discuss how you can maximize your early morning hours to motiv…

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Motivational Monday

What a difference a space makes I write this from my new digs, and I realize that options are a beautiful thing. Options. The will to choose one, some, or none, is an elemental gift to humans. I…

What a difference a …

What a difference a space makes I write this from my new digs, and I realize that options are a beautiful thing. Options. The will to choose one, some, or none, is an elemental gift to humans. In the Waldorf tradition, and the Native American tradition, two ways of life that make sense to me, I feel the primordial satisfaction when I honor the elements of nature and human beings. You know how good it feels to garden, to drink tea in the morning sun, to watch children run in a yard, or to camp by a river. Add the element of choice, of all the options you could do, and life seems like a bl…

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Motivational Monday

Let’s continue in this dark end of winter discussing burnout, so come spring and summer, we have clear intentions on how to combat burnout and create our anti-burnout limits. In one major traveli…

Let’s continue in …

Let’s continue in this dark end of winter discussing burnout, so come spring and summer, we have clear intentions on how to combat burnout and create our anti-burnout limits. In one major traveling job, I was continually given more territory. My territory got way too big, and I was gone 90% of the time. I had only signed up to be away from my home 50% of the time, and this pushed my limit. I didn’t want to seem like a prima donna, never satisfied. I wanted to be grateful for the work I had but it was too much. I was resentful. In my commitment to endurance, I negotiated big-time with th…

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Motivation Monday

Wonderful! You continually want to learn how to stay motivated. Thanks for reading. I’ve had fun with these blogs. Today, I’ll dedicate this blog to share my vision. Here you are today. You’v…

Wonderful! You conti…

Wonderful! You continually want to learn how to stay motivated. Thanks for reading. I’ve had fun with these blogs. Today, I’ll dedicate this blog to share my vision. Here you are today. You’ve been through some great times. You’ve been through some hard times. Your idealism has gotten you into some trouble and disappointment. You thought it might be easier to achieve your dreams, but after each obstacle, each pinnacle, you don’t feel like you’ve arrived where you thought you’d be. I’ll quote Bono, the lead singer of U2, many times in this book since he’s the spokesperso…

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Let the Love In

Good Morning. Merry Christmas if that’s your thing. Today is an auspicious day, and I am honored to reach out and motivate you on Christmas Day. Christmas calls for a different type of motivation…

Good Morning. Merry …

Good Morning. Merry Christmas if that’s your thing. Today is an auspicious day, and I am honored to reach out and motivate you on Christmas Day. Christmas calls for a different type of motivation. It’s not necessarily category 4, the ‘doing less to rest’ category, especially if you’re hosting family and friends today. Hopefully your day will consist of some R & R, but today calls for a certain presence, to be aware of throughout the cold, shadowy, and sometimes overwhelming series of events. Christmas is a day where we span the gamut of emotions, thoughts, and judgments.…

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Your New Religion for 2018

Your new religion is a Morning Ritual to get you set for the day We have discussed the importance of goal reflecting on your direction in life.  If you want to direct your life in the ways that alig…

Your new religion is…

Your new religion is a Morning Ritual to get you set for the day We have discussed the importance of goal reflecting on your direction in life.  If you want to direct your life in the ways that align with what you care about, your values, then goal reflection and goal setting are the way to move forward. Goal Setting/Attaining is an action that boldly states you will not let life pass you by, you are the major player in your arena. Life may have other plans for you, here and there, but set your general direction to make goals, stick with them, and learn from the process of living them. T…

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2017. Put a Period on it.

 Reflect. Learn. Say Goodbye. Move On. December marks the end of 2017. Nostalgia is a wonderful place to go, especially this time of year. Cinnamon, cloves, pine, brisk air, presents from the pa…

 Reflect. Learn. Sa…

 Reflect. Learn. Say Goodbye. Move On. December marks the end of 2017. Nostalgia is a wonderful place to go, especially this time of year. Cinnamon, cloves, pine, brisk air, presents from the past - these are all memories we have. I won't remember the details of my successes and failures, but I will remember my daughter's mini-voice as it gets lower each year, how my son learned to walk, and would crack us all up with his arms waving to the sides as he stepped. I will remember that I got more efficient at grocery shopping.  Take the time to reflect, and let go. When you hold on to th…

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T minus 35 days until 2018! Review Goals & Celebrate

  The dance of productivity continues through the end of the fourth quarter. 2017 will wrap up in 35 days. For the next few blogs, lets focus on goals, intentions, and actions that you made i…

  The dance …

  The dance of productivity continues through the end of the fourth quarter. 2017 will wrap up in 35 days. For the next few blogs, lets focus on goals, intentions, and actions that you made in January of 2017. Do you remember? Did you write them down? A goal is a specific action that you wanted to reach. An intention is a larger picture of sticking to something, a lifestyle, if you will. The actions follow the goals and intentions, which create choices that propel you forward in your desired direction. Last winter, I wrote my goals down. I am especially proud I took into account…

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Kate Galt
Turkey Hats and Out-breaths, A Week of Thanks

My daughter notices turkey hats everywhere she goes. She puts them on her head and smiles at me. I give thanks for that. You may gather with friends, you may travel to family, or you may do your ow…

My daughter notices …

My daughter notices turkey hats everywhere she goes. She puts them on her head and smiles at me. I give thanks for that. You may gather with friends, you may travel to family, or you may do your own thing. Outside, the shadowy landscape howls with wind and darkness, a time to celebrate the light within you. Today, the contrast of light and dark is prominent, which reminds us to honor each little light that shines in your life. November is a turning point in the year, a place to go inward for introspection. Receive the messages that come to you on a whim, this is your intuition. When you…

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motivation monday
The Time Change, Your Bonus Hour

Good Morning, The time change gave us an extra hour. That’s a motivating start to this week. Each November, during the daylight savings change, I make a pact with myself to keep waking up at 6 wh…

Good Morning, The…

Good Morning, The time change gave us an extra hour. That’s a motivating start to this week. Each November, during the daylight savings change, I make a pact with myself to keep waking up at 6 when it’s really 5, so that it ‘seems’ like I’m waking up earlier, but I just keep the same ‘time’ before we fall back. Do you say the same thing to yourself? Do you want to be a morning person, but can’t keep a rhythm? I'll go into depth on this one in a few weeks. That was me until this year. This year, I woke up at 4am. Well, 4am is just a little too early to justify gettin…

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A Day on Boulder Creek

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