  Friday - September 20th, 2024

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Christmas Fun Around Boulder County

It’s clear around Boulder that the holidays are in full swing. Just look toward that giant lighted star in the foothills and you know its time to do something festive. So here’s a list of many festive things going on right here in Boulder County. Boulder Christmas with the King Singers, Mackey Auditorium on Thursday […]

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Get the Bat Off Your Shoulders

The count is 2 and 2 as you dig in to the batter’s box. The bat is firmly resting on your right shoulder. Your hands are loosely gripping the 33-inch wooden Louisville Slugger. You feel the viscosity of the pine tar between your palms. You feel the muscles in your legs clutching as the pitcher […]

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Best Places for Gifts in Boulder

The holidays are quickly approaching and the entirety of the nation begins to go into an extreme panic about what they are going to get their family and friends for Christmas or Hanukkah or whatever the celebration is. One of the many things that makes Boulder a wonderful town is that there are shops literally […]

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Victory Lap

Now it is time to give a wave to the crowd and shake your opponent’s hand. He fought a good fight but you were too mentally strong for him to overcome. The crowd is chanting your name again. The crowd saw you get knocked down. They saw you get back up. They admire you for […]

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Fear Less Until You Are Fearless

“Fear creates its own self-fulfilling dynamic – as people give in to it, they lose energy and momentum. Their lack of confidence translates into inaction that lowers confidence levels even further, on and on.” – Robert Greene – The 50th Law Fear, the internal mechanism that protected us from predators for thousands of years, is […]

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Christmas is Coming, and the Festivities are Beginning!

As you’re getting ready for Turkey day, preparations for Christmas are already in full swing. It seems like everyone starts getting ready earlier and earlier each year. But can you blame them, Christmas and all the festivities it brings are a lot of fun! So here’s a couple of events coming up in Boulder County […]

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You Can’t Spell Startup without Boulder

Boulder is bursting with startups; from restaurants to big data and tech companies, we all know someone who is involved in a fledgling business. When it comes to startups though the question asked so often is, why Boulder? Its obvious why Boulder is a great place to live: its home to a well-respected university, sits below […]

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4 Reasons You Do Not Want Mr. Rogers As Your Neighbor

Fred Rogers, the loveable man that we all remember watching on his PBS Show “Mr. Rogers” always asked his viewers if they would be his neighbor. I would have no problem living next door to Mr. Rogers but that is not enough. He is brimming with energy, positivity and an unmatched enthusiasm for life. Mr. […]

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Things to do in Boulder that aren’t outside

Boulder is known for its versatile atmosphere, from hiking and biking to tubing down Boulder Creek, there are many things to keep you entertained around the clock. But what happens when the temperatures drop to below freezing and your nose hairs begin to feel a little like icicles? Here is a list of a few […]

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A Day on Boulder Creek

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