  Wednesday - June 26th, 2024

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Pitch, Yaw, and Roll– The Crazy Jargon of Virtual Reality

      Last week’s blog on the history of movies filmed in Colorado got me thinking about the evolution of television: how we went from theater and plays, to black and white silent shows, to full blown color and sound effects. Now, we have entered a new era of virtual reality and augmented reality, […]

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Women’s March in Denver

Photo Credit: Belladivadance.com Last weekend was a very historical weekend. Friday was the inauguration of President Trump (gag), and Saturday was a woman’s march that became a global event. I unfortunately was unable to attend the march that took place in Denver, but I was definitely there in spirit, and sent some energy to all […]

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Drones Over Boulder for Safety, not Surveillance

Boulder County commissioners have approved the use of unmanned flying aircraft aka “drones” over Boulder County’s open spaces. What does this mean for you? Boulder County has approved the use of unmanned aircraft systems, or UAS for short, on/above Boulder County property. The craft may take off, fly, and land on city-owned public lands. But […]

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Boulder Weekly Events

This week is dedicated to new Boulderites. If you’re visiting for a few days or just moved to Boulder, these are the things you must do and witness for yourself. The Flatirons: Those who love the outdoors and hiking, this is the spot for you. It is a gorgeous trail all the way to the […]

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How to Legally Slackline in Boulder

With warmer weather gracing us after a deeply cold winter we are sure Boulder residents are ready to get outside. Let’s take a look at a relatively new sport Boulderites are practicing, and where you can do it in Boulder. Slacklining is a sport invented at Camp 4 in Yosemite back in the 1980s. It […]

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Boulder Weekly Events

Valentine’s Day falls on a Sunday this year, which leaves a lot of room for planning. It doesn’t just have to be an evening filled with loved ones and soul mates, it can be a whole day or even a whole weekend! Hopefully you already have set plans for the holiday, but for those who […]

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Boulder Radio Pirates Stuck it to the FCC

Did you know one of the best ways to run a pirate radio station was devised right here in Boulder? Brace yourselves for a tale of determination, censorship, gestapo tactics, and global inspiration. The founder of KBFR (Boulder Free Radio) was a man who called himself “Monk”. He had purchased a load of Low Power […]

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Has Nature Trumped Religion in Boulder?

A religious survey conducted in any major city around the US will generally reflect the religious inclination of the state in which they are located. But what about a notable lack of religious affiliation amongst residents? Today we will skim the surface of Boulder’s relationship to religion, and how the prevalence of nature might be […]

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Is Boulder’s Opposition to Discount Retail Valid?

After years of trying to worm their way into Boulder, Wal*Mart finally made it in the form of the “Neighborhood Market”. But why was it so difficult for Boulder to accept the Wal*Mart subsidiary in the first place? Despite the wealth of Boulder, no city escapes the effects of recessions, nor simple aging. I wrote an […]

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Life and Taxes

Once upon a time European transplants came to the New World. The results were complicated to say the least. Native populations and cultures didn’t fare well; slave trade was established early. New lives were built on shifting ground. Fast-forward to the British expanding what the French and Dutch began. King George III reaped the benefits […]

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Boulder Colorado Air Quality

A Day on Boulder Creek

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