  Wednesday - June 26th, 2024

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This Beautiful Boulder Park is Also the City’s Origin Story

Our story begins in the mid 1800’s, when a team of explorers were commissioned to explore the Boulder area. Among these explorers were Zebulon Pike, Stephan Long, and John Fremont. One of Fremont’s men, William Gilpin, told everyone that this particular area had gold. This area was previously considered unfit for settlement, but when gold is involved, people tend to forget about […]

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Eldorado Canyon: What to Know, Where to Go

  It’s time to head out and explore the surrounding parks and trails around Boulder. One of Boulder’s best parks sits a few miles south of the town itself, and boasts beautiful scenery and rich history. Eldorado Canyon beacons as a mecca for local rock climbers. The state park is renown for its beautiful sandstone […]

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What to do When Boulder’s Sirens Call

As you may have heard, Boulder County’s most recent emergency warning systems test was Monday evening. Boulder’s flood season stretches from April through August, and that means the emergency warning systems need to be tested regularly. Flash floods are no joke, but neither are the 30+ sirens of Boulder County’s outdoor warning system. Following World […]

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Boulder’s Unique Brand of Buddhism

I often hear Boulder being hailed, and sometimes scorned, as a place of liberal thinking. But many fail to acknowledge the influence of Eastern ideology on the culture of Boulder. The Buddhist culture in Boulder is quiet, perhaps due to its dynamic history. It began with the exile of the Dalai Lama after the failed […]

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A Brief History of the Beer Boot

Drinking beer is not the only thing I do, so the other day, I decided to go on a lovely jaunt through downtown Boulder. Where was I walking, do you ask? To the Bohemian Biergarten, of course! I was on a quest to discover the history behind the beloved beer boot, or Das Boot, as […]

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It’s been argued the history of the world can be seen on your plate. Moorish improvements to Roman irrigation boosted rice production in 15th century Spain, eventually melding with Middle Eastern spices into what we know today as paella. Bánh mì sandwiches combine native Vietnamese ingredients (such as cilantro, cucumbers, and pickled daikon) with baguettes […]

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Faces of Boulder – Pic of The Day!

Thomas is 74 years old and is from Denver, Colorado. In the good year of 1962, Thomas decided to move to Boulder. Thomas knew Boulder would be a great place for growth and self realization. It was also a place of career opportunities. Science, being one of his first loves, was also much appreciated at […]

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It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s Super Drone!

Boulder is once again putting its name on the map with a local drone engineering company that has just signed on with NASA. The company, named Black Swift, has just signed a $875,000 contract to monitor temperatures, winds, and gases at volcano sites, the data which will be used to better predict ash and other […]

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Junius Henderson — The “Giant” of Natural History

The Natural History Museum at the University of Colorado Boulder is a pretty fantastic place. It holds the largest collection of historical artifacts in the Rocky Mountains, possesses over four million objects, and has a diverse array of exhibits that would pique anyone’s historical interest. For the next few months, alongside the dinosaur bones and […]

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Boulder Colorado Air Quality

A Day on Boulder Creek

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